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            (c) Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2011
            All rights reserved and confidential information of CSR

            Refer to LICENSE.txt included with this source for details
            on the license terms.


/* Note: this is an auto-generated file. */

#ifndef CSR_WIFI_NME_LIB_H__
#define CSR_WIFI_NME_LIB_H__

#include "csr_sched.h"
#include "csr_macro.h"
#include "csr_msg_transport.h"

#include "csr_wifi_lib.h"

#include "csr_wifi_nme_prim.h"
#include "csr_wifi_nme_task.h"

#error CSR_WIFI_NME_ENABLE MUST be defined inorder to use csr_wifi_nme_lib.h



    Requests the current connection status of the NME.

    queue        - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_CONNECTION_STATUS_GET_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__);

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReqSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReqSend(src__, interfaceTag__) \
    CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, interfaceTag__)



    Reports the connection status of the NME.

    queue            - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag     - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    status           - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested
    connectionStatus - NME current connection status

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectionStatus__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_CONNECTION_STATUS_GET_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->connectionStatus = (connectionStatus__);

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectionStatus__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectionStatus__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfmSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectionStatus__) \
    CsrWifiNmeConnectionStatusGetCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, status__, connectionStatus__)



    The wireless manager application may register with the NME to receive
    notification of interesting events. Indications will be sent only if the
    wireless manager explicitly registers to be notified of that event.
    indMask is a bit mask of values defined in CsrWifiNmeIndicationsMask.

    queue   - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    indMask - Set mask with values from CsrWifiNmeIndications

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, indMask__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_EVENT_MASK_SET_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->indMask = (indMask__);

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReqSendTo(dst__, src__, indMask__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, indMask__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReqSend(src__, indMask__) \
    CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, indMask__)



    The NME calls the primitive to report the result of the request

    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    status - Reports the result of the request

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_EVENT_MASK_SET_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfmSend(dst__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeEventMaskSetCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, status__)



    Requests the NME to attempt to connect to the specified profile.
    Overrides any current connection attempt.

    queue           - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    interfaceTag    - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    profileIdentity - Identity (BSSID, SSID) of profile to be connected to.
                      It must match an existing profile in the NME.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentity__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_CONNECT_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->profileIdentity = (profileIdentity__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReqSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentity__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentity__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReqSend(src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentity__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentity__)



    Reports the status of the NME PROFILE CONNECT REQ. If unsuccessful the
    connectAttempt parameters contain details of the APs that the NME
    attempted to connect to before reporting the failure of the request.

    queue                - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag         - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an
    status               - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested
    connectAttemptsCount - This parameter is relevant only if
                           Number of connection attempt elements provided with
                           this primitive
    connectAttempts      - This parameter is relevant only if
                           Points to the list of connection attempt elements
                           provided with this primitive
                           Each element of the list provides information about
                           an AP on which the connection attempt was made and
                           the error that occurred during the attempt.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_CONNECT_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->connectAttemptsCount = (connectAttemptsCount__); \
    msg__->connectAttempts = (connectAttempts__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfmSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, status__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileConnectCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, status__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__)



    Deletes all profiles present in the NME, but does NOT modify the
    preferred profile list.

    queue  - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_ALL_REQ, dst__, src__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReqSendTo(dst__, src__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReqSend(src__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__)



    Reports the status of the CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_ALL_REQ.

    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    status - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested operation, but
             in this case it always set to success.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_ALL_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfmSend(dst__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteAllCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, status__)



    Will delete the profile with a matching identity, but does NOT modify the
    preferred profile list.

    queue           - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    profileIdentity - Identity (BSSID, SSID) of profile to be deleted.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, profileIdentity__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->profileIdentity = (profileIdentity__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReqSendTo(dst__, src__, profileIdentity__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, profileIdentity__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReqSend(src__, profileIdentity__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, profileIdentity__)



    Reports the status of the CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_REQ.
    Returns CSR_WIFI_NME_STATUS_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching profile.

    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    status - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested operation.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DELETE_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfmSend(dst__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileDeleteCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, status__)



    Indication generated from the NME (if an application subscribes to
    receive it) that informs that application that the current profile
    connection has disconnected. The indication will contain information
    about APs that it attempted to maintain the connection via i.e. in the
    case of failed roaming.

    queue                - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag         - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an
    connectAttemptsCount - Number of connection attempt elements provided with
                           this primitive
    connectAttempts      - Points to the list of connection attempt elements
                           provided with this primitive
                           Each element of the list provides information about
                           an AP on which the connection attempt was made and
                           the error occurred during the attempt.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectInd), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_DISCONNECT_IND, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->connectAttemptsCount = (connectAttemptsCount__); \
    msg__->connectAttempts = (connectAttempts__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectIndSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectInd *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectIndSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileDisconnectIndSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, connectAttemptsCount__, connectAttempts__)



    Defines the preferred order that profiles present in the NME should be
    used during the NME auto-connect behaviour.
    If profileIdentitysCount == 0, it removes any existing preferred profile
    list already present in the NME, effectively disabling the auto-connect
    NOTE: Profile identities that do not match any profile stored in the NME
    are ignored during the auto-connect procedure.
    NOTE: during auto-connect the NME will only attempt to join an existing
    adhoc network and it will never attempt to host an adhoc network; for
    hosting and adhoc network, use CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_CONNECT_REQ

    queue                 - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    interfaceTag          - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an
    profileIdentitysCount - The number of profiles identities in the list.
    profileIdentitys      - Points to the list of profile identities.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentitysCount__, profileIdentitys__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_ORDER_SET_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->profileIdentitysCount = (profileIdentitysCount__); \
    msg__->profileIdentitys = (profileIdentitys__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReqSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentitysCount__, profileIdentitys__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentitysCount__, profileIdentitys__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReqSend(src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentitysCount__, profileIdentitys__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, interfaceTag__, profileIdentitysCount__, profileIdentitys__)



    Confirmation to UNIFI_NME_PROFILE_ORDER_SET.request.

    queue        - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    status       - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_ORDER_SET_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfmSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileOrderSetCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, status__)



    Creates or updates an existing profile in the NME that matches the unique
    identity of the profile. Each profile is identified by the combination of
    BSSID and SSID. The profile contains all the required credentials for
    attempting to connect to the network. Creating or updating a profile via
    the NME PROFILE SET REQ does NOT add the profile to the preferred profile
    list within the NME used for the NME auto-connect behaviour.

    queue   - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    profile - Specifies the identity and credentials of the network.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, profile__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_SET_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->profile = (profile__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReqSendTo(dst__, src__, profile__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, profile__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReqSend(src__, profile__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileSetReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, profile__)



    Reports the status of the NME PROFILE SET REQ; the request will only fail
    if the details specified in the profile contains an invalid combination
    of parameters for example specifying the profile as cloaked but not
    specifying the SSID. The NME doesn't limit the number of profiles that
    may be created. The NME assumes that the entity configuring it is aware
    of the appropriate limits.

    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    status - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested operation.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_SET_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfmSend(dst__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileSetCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, status__)



    Indication generated from the NME (if an application subscribes to
    receive it) that informs that application that the contained profile has
    For example, either the credentials EAP-FAST PAC file or the session data
    within the profile has changed.
    It is up to the application whether it stores this updated profile or

    queue        - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    profile      - The identity and credentials of the network.

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profile__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateInd), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_PROFILE_UPDATE_IND, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->profile = (profile__);

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateIndSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profile__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateInd *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, profile__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateIndSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, profile__) \
    CsrWifiNmeProfileUpdateIndSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, profile__)



    Indication generated from the NME (if an application subscribes to
    receive it) that requests the UICC Manager to perform a GSM
    authentication on behalf of the NME. This indication is generated when
    the NME is attempting to connect to a profile configured for EAP-SIM. An
    application MUST register to receive this indication for the NME to
    support the EAP-SIM credential types. Otherwise the NME has no route to
    obtain the information from the UICC. EAP-SIM authentication requires 2
    or 3 GSM authentication rounds and therefore 2 or 3 RANDS (GSM Random
    Challenges) are included.

    queue       - Destination Task Queue
    randsLength - GSM RAND is 16 bytes long hence valid values are 32 (2 RANDS)
                  or 48 (3 RANDs).
    rands       - 2 or 3 RANDs values.

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, randsLength__, rands__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthInd), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_GSM_AUTH_IND, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->randsLength = (randsLength__); \
    msg__->rands = (rands__);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthIndSendTo(dst__, src__, randsLength__, rands__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthInd *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, randsLength__, rands__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthIndSend(dst__, randsLength__, rands__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthIndSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, randsLength__, rands__)



    Response from the application that received the NME SIM GSM AUTH IND. For
    each GSM authentication round a GSM Ciphering key (Kc) and a signed
    response (SRES) are produced. Since 2 or 3 GSM authentication rounds are
    used the 2 or 3 Kc's obtained respectively are combined into one buffer
    and similarly the 2 or 3 SRES's obtained are combined into another
    buffer. The order of Kc values (SRES values respectively) in their buffer
    is the same as that of their corresponding RAND values in the incoming

    status     - Indicates the outcome of the requested operation:
    kcsLength  - Length in Bytes of Kc buffer. Legal values are: 16 or 24.
    kcs        - Kc buffer holding 2 or 3 Kc values.
    sresLength - Length in Bytes of SRES buffer. Legal values are: 8 or 12.
    sres       - SRES buffer holding 2 or 3 SRES values.

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, kcsLength__, kcs__, sresLength__, sres__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthRes), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_GSM_AUTH_RES, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->kcsLength = (kcsLength__); \
    msg__->kcs = (kcs__); \
    msg__->sresLength = (sresLength__); \
    msg__->sres = (sres__);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthResSendTo(dst__, src__, status__, kcsLength__, kcs__, sresLength__, sres__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthRes *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, kcsLength__, kcs__, sresLength__, sres__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthResSend(src__, status__, kcsLength__, kcs__, sresLength__, sres__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimGsmAuthResSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, status__, kcsLength__, kcs__, sresLength__, sres__)



    Indication generated from the NME (if an application subscribes to
    receive it) that requests the IMSI and UICC type from the UICC Manager.
    This indication is generated when the NME is attempting to connect to a
    profile configured for EAP-SIM/AKA. An application MUST register to
    receive this indication for the NME to support the EAP-SIM/AKA credential
    types. Otherwise the NME has no route to obtain the information from the

    queue  - Destination Task Queue

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetInd), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_IMSI_GET_IND, dst__, src__);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetIndSendTo(dst__, src__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetInd *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetIndSend(dst__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetIndSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE)



    Response from the application that received the NME SIM IMSI GET IND.

    status   - Indicates the outcome of the requested operation: STATUS_SUCCESS
               or STATUS_ERROR.
    imsi     - The value of the IMSI obtained from the UICC.
    cardType - The UICC type (GSM only (SIM), UMTS only (USIM), Both).

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, imsi__, cardType__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetRes), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_IMSI_GET_RES, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->imsi = (imsi__); \
    msg__->cardType = (cardType__);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetResSendTo(dst__, src__, status__, imsi__, cardType__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetRes *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, imsi__, cardType__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetResSend(src__, status__, imsi__, cardType__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimImsiGetResSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, status__, imsi__, cardType__)



    Indication generated from the NME (if an application subscribes to
    receive it) that requests the UICC Manager to perform a UMTS
    authentication on behalf of the NME. This indication is generated when
    the NME is attempting to connect to a profile configured for EAP-AKA. An
    application MUST register to receive this indication for the NME to
    support the EAP-AKA credential types. Otherwise the NME has no route to
    obtain the information from the USIM. EAP-AKA requires one UMTS
    authentication round and therefore only one RAND and one AUTN values are

    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    rand   - UMTS RAND value.
    autn   - UMTS AUTN value.

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, rand__, autn__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthInd), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_UMTS_AUTH_IND, dst__, src__); \
    memcpy(msg__->rand, (rand__), sizeof(u8) * 16); \
    memcpy(msg__->autn, (autn__), sizeof(u8) * 16);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthIndSendTo(dst__, src__, rand__, autn__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthInd *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthIndCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, rand__, autn__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthIndSend(dst__, rand__, autn__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthIndSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, rand__, autn__)



    Response from the application that received the NME SIM UMTS AUTH IND.
    The values of umtsCipherKey, umtsIntegrityKey, resParameterLength and
    resParameter are only meanigful when result = UMTS_AUTH_RESULT_SUCCESS.
    The value of auts is only meaningful when

    status             - Indicates the outcome of the requested operation:
                         STATUS_SUCCESS or STATUS_ERROR.
    result             - The result of UMTS authentication as performed by the
                         UICC which could be: Success, Authentication Reject or
                         Synchronisation Failure. For all these 3 outcomes the
                         value of status is success.
    umtsCipherKey      - The UMTS Cipher Key as calculated and returned by the
    umtsIntegrityKey   - The UMTS Integrity Key as calculated and returned by
                         the UICC.
    resParameterLength - The length (in bytes) of the RES parameter (min=4; max
                         = 16).
    resParameter       - The RES parameter as calculated and returned by the
    auts               - The AUTS parameter as calculated and returned by the

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, result__, umtsCipherKey__, umtsIntegrityKey__, resParameterLength__, resParameter__, auts__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthRes), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_SIM_UMTS_AUTH_RES, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->result = (result__); \
    memcpy(msg__->umtsCipherKey, (umtsCipherKey__), sizeof(u8) * 16); \
    memcpy(msg__->umtsIntegrityKey, (umtsIntegrityKey__), sizeof(u8) * 16); \
    msg__->resParameterLength = (resParameterLength__); \
    msg__->resParameter = (resParameter__); \
    memcpy(msg__->auts, (auts__), sizeof(u8) * 14);

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthResSendTo(dst__, src__, status__, result__, umtsCipherKey__, umtsIntegrityKey__, resParameterLength__, resParameter__, auts__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthRes *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthResCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__, result__, umtsCipherKey__, umtsIntegrityKey__, resParameterLength__, resParameter__, auts__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthResSend(src__, status__, result__, umtsCipherKey__, umtsIntegrityKey__, resParameterLength__, resParameter__, auts__) \
    CsrWifiNmeSimUmtsAuthResSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, status__, result__, umtsCipherKey__, umtsIntegrityKey__, resParameterLength__, resParameter__, auts__)



    Requests the NME to cancel any WPS procedure that it is currently
    performing. This includes WPS registrar activities started because of

    queue        - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CANCEL_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReqSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReqSend(src__, interfaceTag__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, interfaceTag__)



    Reports the status of the NME WPS REQ, the request is always SUCCESSFUL.

    queue        - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    status       - Only returns CSR_WIFI_NME_STATUS_SUCCESS

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CANCEL_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfmSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsCancelCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, status__)



    Reports the status of the NME WPS REQ.
    If CSR_WIFI_NME_STATUS_SUCCESS, the profile parameter contains the
    identity and credentials of the AP.

    queue        - Destination Task Queue
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    status       - Indicates the success or otherwise of the requested
    profile      - This parameter is relevant only if
                   The identity and credentials of the network.

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, profile__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    msg__->status = (status__); \
    msg__->profile = (profile__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, profile__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, status__, profile__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsCfmSend(dst__, interfaceTag__, status__, profile__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, interfaceTag__, status__, profile__)



    This primitive passes the WPS information for the device to NME. This may
    be accepted only if no interface is active.

    queue     - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    wpsConfig - WPS config.

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, wpsConfig__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CONFIG_SET_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->wpsConfig = (wpsConfig__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReqSendTo(dst__, src__, wpsConfig__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, wpsConfig__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReqSend(src__, wpsConfig__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, wpsConfig__)




    queue  - Destination Task Queue
    status - Status of the request.

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfm), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CONFIG_SET_CFM, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->status = (status__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfmSendTo(dst__, src__, status__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfm *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfmCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, status__); \
        CsrSchedMessagePut(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfmSend(dst__, status__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsConfigSetCfmSendTo(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, status__)



    Requests the NME to look for WPS enabled APs and attempt to perform WPS
    to determine the appropriate security credentials to connect to the AP.
    If the PIN == '00000000' then 'push button mode' is indicated, otherwise
    the PIN has to match that of the AP. 4 digit pin is passed by sending the
    pin digits in pin[0][3] and rest of the contents filled with '-'.

    queue        - Message Source Task Queue (Cfm's will be sent to this Queue)
    interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface
    pin          - PIN value.
    ssid         - Service Set identifier
    bssid        - ID of Basic Service Set for which a WPS connection attempt is
                   being made.

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, pin__, ssid__, bssid__) \
    msg__ = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiNmeWpsReq), GFP_KERNEL); \
    CsrWifiFsmEventInit(&msg__->common, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_REQ, dst__, src__); \
    msg__->interfaceTag = (interfaceTag__); \
    memcpy(msg__->pin, (pin__), sizeof(u8) * 8); \
    msg__->ssid = (ssid__); \
    msg__->bssid = (bssid__);

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsReqSendTo(dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, pin__, ssid__, bssid__) \
    { \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsReq *msg__; \
        CsrWifiNmeWpsReqCreate(msg__, dst__, src__, interfaceTag__, pin__, ssid__, bssid__); \
        CsrMsgTransport(dst__, CSR_WIFI_NME_PRIM, msg__); \

#define CsrWifiNmeWpsReqSend(src__, interfaceTag__, pin__, ssid__, bssid__) \
    CsrWifiNmeWpsReqSendTo(CSR_WIFI_NME_IFACEQUEUE, src__, interfaceTag__, pin__, ssid__, bssid__)

#endif /* CSR_WIFI_NME_LIB_H__ */