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 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.hardware.display.BrightnessConfiguration;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerInternal.DisplayPowerRequest;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import android.util.EventLog;
import android.util.MathUtils;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.TimeUtils;


class AutomaticBrightnessController {
    private static final String TAG = "AutomaticBrightnessController";

    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
    private static final boolean DEBUG_PRETEND_LIGHT_SENSOR_ABSENT = false;

    // If true, enables the use of the screen auto-brightness adjustment setting.
    private static final boolean USE_SCREEN_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS_ADJUSTMENT = true;

    // How long the current sensor reading is assumed to be valid beyond the current time.
    // This provides a bit of prediction, as well as ensures that the weight for the last sample is
    // non-zero, which in turn ensures that the total weight is non-zero.
    private static final long AMBIENT_LIGHT_PREDICTION_TIME_MILLIS = 100;

    // Debounce for sampling user-initiated changes in display brightness to ensure
    // the user is satisfied with the result before storing the sample.
    private static final int BRIGHTNESS_ADJUSTMENT_SAMPLE_DEBOUNCE_MILLIS = 10000;

    // Timeout after which we remove the effects any user interactions might've had on the
    // brightness mapping. This timeout doesn't start until we transition to a non-interactive
    // display policy so that we don't reset while users are using their devices, but also so that
    // we don't erroneously keep the short-term model if the device is dozing but the display is
    // fully on.
    private static final int SHORT_TERM_MODEL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 30000;

    private static final int MSG_UPDATE_AMBIENT_LUX = 1;
    private static final int MSG_BRIGHTNESS_ADJUSTMENT_SAMPLE = 2;
    private static final int MSG_INVALIDATE_SHORT_TERM_MODEL = 3;

    // Length of the ambient light horizon used to calculate the long term estimate of ambient
    // light.
    private static final int AMBIENT_LIGHT_LONG_HORIZON_MILLIS = 10000;

    // Length of the ambient light horizon used to calculate short-term estimate of ambient light.
    private static final int AMBIENT_LIGHT_SHORT_HORIZON_MILLIS = 2000;

    // Callbacks for requesting updates to the display's power state
    private final Callbacks mCallbacks;

    // The sensor manager.
    private final SensorManager mSensorManager;

    // The light sensor, or null if not available or needed.
    private final Sensor mLightSensor;

    // The mapper to translate ambient lux to screen brightness in the range [0, 1.0].
    private final BrightnessMappingStrategy mBrightnessMapper;

    // The minimum and maximum screen brightnesses.
    private final int mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum;
    private final int mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum;

    // How much to scale doze brightness by (should be (0, 1.0]).
    private final float mDozeScaleFactor;

    // Initial light sensor event rate in milliseconds.
    private final int mInitialLightSensorRate;

    // Steady-state light sensor event rate in milliseconds.
    private final int mNormalLightSensorRate;

    // The current light sensor event rate in milliseconds.
    private int mCurrentLightSensorRate;

    // Stability requirements in milliseconds for accepting a new brightness level.  This is used
    // for debouncing the light sensor.  Different constants are used to debounce the light sensor
    // when adapting to brighter or darker environments.  This parameter controls how quickly
    // brightness changes occur in response to an observed change in light level that exceeds the
    // hysteresis threshold.
    private final long mBrighteningLightDebounceConfig;
    private final long mDarkeningLightDebounceConfig;

    // If true immediately after the screen is turned on the controller will try to adjust the
    // brightness based on the current sensor reads. If false, the controller will collect more data
    // and only then decide whether to change brightness.
    private final boolean mResetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig;

    // Period of time in which to consider light samples in milliseconds.
    private final int mAmbientLightHorizon;

    // The intercept used for the weighting calculation. This is used in order to keep all possible
    // weighting values positive.
    private final int mWeightingIntercept;

    // Configuration object for determining thresholds to change brightness dynamically
    private final HysteresisLevels mHysteresisLevels;

    // Amount of time to delay auto-brightness after screen on while waiting for
    // the light sensor to warm-up in milliseconds.
    // May be 0 if no warm-up is required.
    private int mLightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig;

    // Set to true if the light sensor is enabled.
    private boolean mLightSensorEnabled;

    // The time when the light sensor was enabled.
    private long mLightSensorEnableTime;

    // The currently accepted nominal ambient light level.
    private float mAmbientLux;

    // True if mAmbientLux holds a valid value.
    private boolean mAmbientLuxValid;

    // The ambient light level threshold at which to brighten or darken the screen.
    private float mBrighteningLuxThreshold;
    private float mDarkeningLuxThreshold;

    // The most recent light sample.
    private float mLastObservedLux;

    // The time of the most light recent sample.
    private long mLastObservedLuxTime;

    // The number of light samples collected since the light sensor was enabled.
    private int mRecentLightSamples;

    // A ring buffer containing all of the recent ambient light sensor readings.
    private AmbientLightRingBuffer mAmbientLightRingBuffer;

    // The handler
    private AutomaticBrightnessHandler mHandler;

    // The screen brightness level that has been chosen by the auto-brightness
    // algorithm.  The actual brightness should ramp towards this value.
    // We preserve this value even when we stop using the light sensor so
    // that we can quickly revert to the previous auto-brightness level
    // while the light sensor warms up.
    // Use -1 if there is no current auto-brightness value available.
    private int mScreenAutoBrightness = -1;

    // The current display policy. This is useful, for example,  for knowing when we're dozing,
    // where the light sensor may not be available.
    private int mDisplayPolicy = DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_OFF;

    // True if we are collecting a brightness adjustment sample, along with some data
    // for the initial state of the sample.
    private boolean mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending;
    private float mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldLux;
    private int mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldBrightness;

    // When the short term model is invalidated, we don't necessarily reset it (i.e. clear the
    // user's adjustment) immediately, but wait for a drastic enough change in the ambient light.
    // The anchor determines what were the light levels when the user has set her preference, and
    // we use a relative threshold to determine when to revert to the OEM curve.
    private boolean mShortTermModelValid;
    private float mShortTermModelAnchor;
    private float SHORT_TERM_MODEL_THRESHOLD_RATIO = 0.6f;

    public AutomaticBrightnessController(Callbacks callbacks, Looper looper,
            SensorManager sensorManager, BrightnessMappingStrategy mapper,
            int lightSensorWarmUpTime, int brightnessMin, int brightnessMax, float dozeScaleFactor,
            int lightSensorRate, int initialLightSensorRate, long brighteningLightDebounceConfig,
            long darkeningLightDebounceConfig, boolean resetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig,
            HysteresisLevels hysteresisLevels) {
        mCallbacks = callbacks;
        mSensorManager = sensorManager;
        mBrightnessMapper = mapper;
        mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum = brightnessMin;
        mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum = brightnessMax;
        mLightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig = lightSensorWarmUpTime;
        mDozeScaleFactor = dozeScaleFactor;
        mNormalLightSensorRate = lightSensorRate;
        mInitialLightSensorRate = initialLightSensorRate;
        mCurrentLightSensorRate = -1;
        mBrighteningLightDebounceConfig = brighteningLightDebounceConfig;
        mDarkeningLightDebounceConfig = darkeningLightDebounceConfig;
        mResetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig = resetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig;
        mAmbientLightHorizon = AMBIENT_LIGHT_LONG_HORIZON_MILLIS;
        mWeightingIntercept = AMBIENT_LIGHT_LONG_HORIZON_MILLIS;
        mHysteresisLevels = hysteresisLevels;
        mShortTermModelValid = true;
        mShortTermModelAnchor = -1;

        mHandler = new AutomaticBrightnessHandler(looper);
        mAmbientLightRingBuffer =
            new AmbientLightRingBuffer(mNormalLightSensorRate, mAmbientLightHorizon);

            mLightSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT);

    public int getAutomaticScreenBrightness() {
        if (!mAmbientLuxValid) {
            return -1;
        if (mDisplayPolicy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DOZE) {
            return (int) (mScreenAutoBrightness * mDozeScaleFactor);
        return mScreenAutoBrightness;

    public float getAutomaticScreenBrightnessAdjustment() {
        return mBrightnessMapper.getAutoBrightnessAdjustment();

    public void configure(boolean enable, @Nullable BrightnessConfiguration configuration,
            float brightness, boolean userChangedBrightness, float adjustment,
            boolean userChangedAutoBrightnessAdjustment, int displayPolicy) {
        // While dozing, the application processor may be suspended which will prevent us from
        // receiving new information from the light sensor. On some devices, we may be able to
        // switch to a wake-up light sensor instead but for now we will simply disable the sensor
        // and hold onto the last computed screen auto brightness.  We save the dozing flag for
        // debugging purposes.
        boolean dozing = (displayPolicy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DOZE);
        boolean changed = setBrightnessConfiguration(configuration);
        changed |= setDisplayPolicy(displayPolicy);
        if (userChangedAutoBrightnessAdjustment) {
            changed |= setAutoBrightnessAdjustment(adjustment);
        if (userChangedBrightness && enable) {
            // Update the brightness curve with the new user control point. It's critical this
            // happens after we update the autobrightness adjustment since it may reset it.
            changed |= setScreenBrightnessByUser(brightness);
        final boolean userInitiatedChange =
                userChangedBrightness || userChangedAutoBrightnessAdjustment;
        if (userInitiatedChange && enable && !dozing) {
        changed |= setLightSensorEnabled(enable && !dozing);
        if (changed) {
            updateAutoBrightness(false /*sendUpdate*/);

    public boolean hasUserDataPoints() {
        return mBrightnessMapper.hasUserDataPoints();

    public boolean isDefaultConfig() {
        return mBrightnessMapper.isDefaultConfig();

    public BrightnessConfiguration getDefaultConfig() {
        return mBrightnessMapper.getDefaultConfig();

    private boolean setDisplayPolicy(int policy) {
        if (mDisplayPolicy == policy) {
            return false;
        final int oldPolicy = mDisplayPolicy;
        mDisplayPolicy = policy;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "Display policy transitioning from " + oldPolicy + " to " + policy);
        if (!isInteractivePolicy(policy) && isInteractivePolicy(oldPolicy)) {
        } else if (isInteractivePolicy(policy) && !isInteractivePolicy(oldPolicy)) {
        return true;

    private static boolean isInteractivePolicy(int policy) {
        return policy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_BRIGHT
                || policy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DIM
                || policy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_VR;

    private boolean setScreenBrightnessByUser(float brightness) {
        if (!mAmbientLuxValid) {
            // If we don't have a valid ambient lux then we don't have a valid brightness anyways,
            // and we can't use this data to add a new control point to the short-term model.
            return false;
        mBrightnessMapper.addUserDataPoint(mAmbientLux, brightness);
        mShortTermModelValid = true;
        mShortTermModelAnchor = mAmbientLux;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "ShortTermModel: anchor=" + mShortTermModelAnchor);
        return true;

    public void resetShortTermModel() {
        mShortTermModelValid = true;
        mShortTermModelAnchor = -1;

    private void invalidateShortTermModel() {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "ShortTermModel: invalidate user data");
        mShortTermModelValid = false;

    public boolean setBrightnessConfiguration(BrightnessConfiguration configuration) {
        if (mBrightnessMapper.setBrightnessConfiguration(configuration)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
        pw.println("Automatic Brightness Controller Configuration:");
        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum=" + mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum);
        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum=" + mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum);
        pw.println("  mDozeScaleFactor=" + mDozeScaleFactor);
        pw.println("  mInitialLightSensorRate=" + mInitialLightSensorRate);
        pw.println("  mNormalLightSensorRate=" + mNormalLightSensorRate);
        pw.println("  mLightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig=" + mLightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig);
        pw.println("  mBrighteningLightDebounceConfig=" + mBrighteningLightDebounceConfig);
        pw.println("  mDarkeningLightDebounceConfig=" + mDarkeningLightDebounceConfig);
        pw.println("  mResetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig=" + mResetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig);
        pw.println("  mAmbientLightHorizon=" + mAmbientLightHorizon);
        pw.println("  mWeightingIntercept=" + mWeightingIntercept);

        pw.println("Automatic Brightness Controller State:");
        pw.println("  mLightSensor=" + mLightSensor);
        pw.println("  mLightSensorEnabled=" + mLightSensorEnabled);
        pw.println("  mLightSensorEnableTime=" + TimeUtils.formatUptime(mLightSensorEnableTime));
        pw.println("  mCurrentLightSensorRate=" + mCurrentLightSensorRate);
        pw.println("  mAmbientLux=" + mAmbientLux);
        pw.println("  mAmbientLuxValid=" + mAmbientLuxValid);
        pw.println("  mBrighteningLuxThreshold=" + mBrighteningLuxThreshold);
        pw.println("  mDarkeningLuxThreshold=" + mDarkeningLuxThreshold);
        pw.println("  mLastObservedLux=" + mLastObservedLux);
        pw.println("  mLastObservedLuxTime=" + TimeUtils.formatUptime(mLastObservedLuxTime));
        pw.println("  mRecentLightSamples=" + mRecentLightSamples);
        pw.println("  mAmbientLightRingBuffer=" + mAmbientLightRingBuffer);
        pw.println("  mScreenAutoBrightness=" + mScreenAutoBrightness);
        pw.println("  mDisplayPolicy=" + DisplayPowerRequest.policyToString(mDisplayPolicy));
        pw.println("  mShortTermModelAnchor=" + mShortTermModelAnchor);
        pw.println("  mShortTermModelValid=" + mShortTermModelValid);
        pw.println("  mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending=" + mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending);
        pw.println("  mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldLux=" + mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldLux);
        pw.println("  mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldBrightness="
                + mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldBrightness);
        pw.println("  mShortTermModelValid=" + mShortTermModelValid);



    private boolean setLightSensorEnabled(boolean enable) {
        if (enable) {
            if (!mLightSensorEnabled) {
                mLightSensorEnabled = true;
                mLightSensorEnableTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                mCurrentLightSensorRate = mInitialLightSensorRate;
                mSensorManager.registerListener(mLightSensorListener, mLightSensor,
                        mCurrentLightSensorRate * 1000, mHandler);
                return true;
        } else if (mLightSensorEnabled) {
            mLightSensorEnabled = false;
            mAmbientLuxValid = !mResetAmbientLuxAfterWarmUpConfig;
            mRecentLightSamples = 0;
            mCurrentLightSensorRate = -1;
        return false;

    private void handleLightSensorEvent(long time, float lux) {
        Trace.traceCounter(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, "ALS", (int) lux);

        if (mAmbientLightRingBuffer.size() == 0) {
            // switch to using the steady-state sample rate after grabbing the initial light sample
        applyLightSensorMeasurement(time, lux);

    private void applyLightSensorMeasurement(long time, float lux) {
        mAmbientLightRingBuffer.prune(time - mAmbientLightHorizon);
        mAmbientLightRingBuffer.push(time, lux);

        // Remember this sample value.
        mLastObservedLux = lux;
        mLastObservedLuxTime = time;

    private void adjustLightSensorRate(int lightSensorRate) {
        // if the light sensor rate changed, update the sensor listener
        if (lightSensorRate != mCurrentLightSensorRate) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "adjustLightSensorRate: " +
                        "previousRate=" + mCurrentLightSensorRate + ", " +
                        "currentRate=" + lightSensorRate);
            mCurrentLightSensorRate = lightSensorRate;
            mSensorManager.registerListener(mLightSensorListener, mLightSensor,
                    lightSensorRate * 1000, mHandler);

    private boolean setAutoBrightnessAdjustment(float adjustment) {
        return mBrightnessMapper.setAutoBrightnessAdjustment(adjustment);

    private void setAmbientLux(float lux) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "setAmbientLux(" + lux + ")");
        if (lux < 0) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Ambient lux was negative, ignoring and setting to 0");
            lux = 0;
        mAmbientLux = lux;
        mBrighteningLuxThreshold = mHysteresisLevels.getBrighteningThreshold(lux);
        mDarkeningLuxThreshold = mHysteresisLevels.getDarkeningThreshold(lux);

        // If the short term model was invalidated and the change is drastic enough, reset it.
        if (!mShortTermModelValid && mShortTermModelAnchor != -1) {
            final float minAmbientLux =
                mShortTermModelAnchor - mShortTermModelAnchor * SHORT_TERM_MODEL_THRESHOLD_RATIO;
            final float maxAmbientLux =
                mShortTermModelAnchor + mShortTermModelAnchor * SHORT_TERM_MODEL_THRESHOLD_RATIO;
            if (minAmbientLux < mAmbientLux && mAmbientLux < maxAmbientLux) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Slog.d(TAG, "ShortTermModel: re-validate user data, ambient lux is " +
                            minAmbientLux + " < " + mAmbientLux + " < " + maxAmbientLux);
                mShortTermModelValid = true;
            } else {
                Slog.d(TAG, "ShortTermModel: reset data, ambient lux is " + mAmbientLux +
                        "(" + minAmbientLux + ", " + maxAmbientLux + ")");

    private float calculateAmbientLux(long now, long horizon) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "calculateAmbientLux(" + now + ", " + horizon + ")");
        final int N = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.size();
        if (N == 0) {
            Slog.e(TAG, "calculateAmbientLux: No ambient light readings available");
            return -1;

        // Find the first measurement that is just outside of the horizon.
        int endIndex = 0;
        final long horizonStartTime = now - horizon;
        for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
            if (mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getTime(i + 1) <= horizonStartTime) {
            } else {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "calculateAmbientLux: selected endIndex=" + endIndex + ", point=(" +
                    mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getTime(endIndex) + ", " +
                    mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getLux(endIndex) + ")");
        float sum = 0;
        float totalWeight = 0;
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= endIndex; i--) {
            long eventTime = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getTime(i);
            if (i == endIndex && eventTime < horizonStartTime) {
                // If we're at the final value, make sure we only consider the part of the sample
                // within our desired horizon.
                eventTime = horizonStartTime;
            final long startTime = eventTime - now;
            float weight = calculateWeight(startTime, endTime);
            float lux = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getLux(i);
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "calculateAmbientLux: [" + startTime + ", " + endTime + "]: " +
                        "lux=" + lux + ", " +
                        "weight=" + weight);
            totalWeight += weight;
            sum += lux * weight;
            endTime = startTime;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "calculateAmbientLux: " +
                    "totalWeight=" + totalWeight + ", " +
                    "newAmbientLux=" + (sum / totalWeight));
        return sum / totalWeight;

    private float calculateWeight(long startDelta, long endDelta) {
        return weightIntegral(endDelta) - weightIntegral(startDelta);

    // Evaluates the integral of y = x + mWeightingIntercept. This is always positive for the
    // horizon we're looking at and provides a non-linear weighting for light samples.
    private float weightIntegral(long x) {
        return x * (x * 0.5f + mWeightingIntercept);

    private long nextAmbientLightBrighteningTransition(long time) {
        final int N = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.size();
        long earliestValidTime = time;
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getLux(i) <= mBrighteningLuxThreshold) {
            earliestValidTime = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getTime(i);
        return earliestValidTime + mBrighteningLightDebounceConfig;

    private long nextAmbientLightDarkeningTransition(long time) {
        final int N = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.size();
        long earliestValidTime = time;
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getLux(i) >= mDarkeningLuxThreshold) {
            earliestValidTime = mAmbientLightRingBuffer.getTime(i);
        return earliestValidTime + mDarkeningLightDebounceConfig;

    private void updateAmbientLux() {
        long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        mAmbientLightRingBuffer.prune(time - mAmbientLightHorizon);

    private void updateAmbientLux(long time) {
        // If the light sensor was just turned on then immediately update our initial
        // estimate of the current ambient light level.
        if (!mAmbientLuxValid) {
            final long timeWhenSensorWarmedUp =
                mLightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig + mLightSensorEnableTime;
            if (time < timeWhenSensorWarmedUp) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Slog.d(TAG, "updateAmbientLux: Sensor not  ready yet: " +
                            "time=" + time + ", " +
                            "timeWhenSensorWarmedUp=" + timeWhenSensorWarmedUp);
            setAmbientLux(calculateAmbientLux(time, AMBIENT_LIGHT_SHORT_HORIZON_MILLIS));
            mAmbientLuxValid = true;
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "updateAmbientLux: Initializing: " +
                        "mAmbientLightRingBuffer=" + mAmbientLightRingBuffer + ", " +
                        "mAmbientLux=" + mAmbientLux);

        long nextBrightenTransition = nextAmbientLightBrighteningTransition(time);
        long nextDarkenTransition = nextAmbientLightDarkeningTransition(time);
        // Essentially, we calculate both a slow ambient lux, to ensure there's a true long-term
        // change in lighting conditions, and a fast ambient lux to determine what the new
        // brightness situation is since the slow lux can be quite slow to converge.
        // Note that both values need to be checked for sufficient change before updating the
        // proposed ambient light value since the slow value might be sufficiently far enough away
        // from the fast value to cause a recalculation while its actually just converging on
        // the fast value still.
        float slowAmbientLux = calculateAmbientLux(time, AMBIENT_LIGHT_LONG_HORIZON_MILLIS);
        float fastAmbientLux = calculateAmbientLux(time, AMBIENT_LIGHT_SHORT_HORIZON_MILLIS);

        if ((slowAmbientLux >= mBrighteningLuxThreshold &&
             fastAmbientLux >= mBrighteningLuxThreshold &&
             nextBrightenTransition <= time)
            (slowAmbientLux <= mDarkeningLuxThreshold &&
             fastAmbientLux <= mDarkeningLuxThreshold &&
             nextDarkenTransition <= time)) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "updateAmbientLux: " +
                        ((fastAmbientLux > mAmbientLux) ? "Brightened" : "Darkened") + ": " +
                        "mBrighteningLuxThreshold=" + mBrighteningLuxThreshold + ", " +
                        "mAmbientLightRingBuffer=" + mAmbientLightRingBuffer + ", " +
                        "mAmbientLux=" + mAmbientLux);
            nextBrightenTransition = nextAmbientLightBrighteningTransition(time);
            nextDarkenTransition = nextAmbientLightDarkeningTransition(time);
        long nextTransitionTime = Math.min(nextDarkenTransition, nextBrightenTransition);
        // If one of the transitions is ready to occur, but the total weighted ambient lux doesn't
        // exceed the necessary threshold, then it's possible we'll get a transition time prior to
        // now. Rather than continually checking to see whether the weighted lux exceeds the
        // threshold, schedule an update for when we'd normally expect another light sample, which
        // should be enough time to decide whether we should actually transition to the new
        // weighted ambient lux or not.
        nextTransitionTime =
                nextTransitionTime > time ? nextTransitionTime : time + mNormalLightSensorRate;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "updateAmbientLux: Scheduling ambient lux update for " +
                    nextTransitionTime + TimeUtils.formatUptime(nextTransitionTime));
        mHandler.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(MSG_UPDATE_AMBIENT_LUX, nextTransitionTime);

    private void updateAutoBrightness(boolean sendUpdate) {
        if (!mAmbientLuxValid) {

        float value = mBrightnessMapper.getBrightness(mAmbientLux);

        int newScreenAutoBrightness =
                clampScreenBrightness(Math.round(value * PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON));
        if (mScreenAutoBrightness != newScreenAutoBrightness) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "updateAutoBrightness: " +
                        "mScreenAutoBrightness=" + mScreenAutoBrightness + ", " +
                        "newScreenAutoBrightness=" + newScreenAutoBrightness);

            mScreenAutoBrightness = newScreenAutoBrightness;
            if (sendUpdate) {

    private int clampScreenBrightness(int value) {
        return MathUtils.constrain(value,
                mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum, mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum);

    private void prepareBrightnessAdjustmentSample() {
        if (!mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending) {
            mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending = true;
            mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldLux = mAmbientLuxValid ? mAmbientLux : -1;
            mBrightnessAdjustmentSampleOldBrightness = mScreenAutoBrightness;
        } else {


    private void cancelBrightnessAdjustmentSample() {
        if (mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending) {
            mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending = false;

    private void collectBrightnessAdjustmentSample() {
        if (mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending) {
            mBrightnessAdjustmentSamplePending = false;
            if (mAmbientLuxValid && mScreenAutoBrightness >= 0) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Slog.d(TAG, "Auto-brightness adjustment changed by user: " +
                            "lux=" + mAmbientLux + ", " +
                            "brightness=" + mScreenAutoBrightness + ", " +
                            "ring=" + mAmbientLightRingBuffer);


    private final class AutomaticBrightnessHandler extends Handler {
        public AutomaticBrightnessHandler(Looper looper) {
            super(looper, null, true /*async*/);

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what) {
                case MSG_UPDATE_AMBIENT_LUX:



    private final SensorEventListener mLightSensorListener = new SensorEventListener() {
        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
            if (mLightSensorEnabled) {
                final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                final float lux = event.values[0];
                handleLightSensorEvent(time, lux);

        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
            // Not used.

    /** Callbacks to request updates to the display's power state. */
    interface Callbacks {
        void updateBrightness();

     * A ring buffer of ambient light measurements sorted by time.
     * Each entry consists of a timestamp and a lux measurement, and the overall buffer is sorted
     * from oldest to newest.
    private static final class AmbientLightRingBuffer {
        // Proportional extra capacity of the buffer beyond the expected number of light samples
        // in the horizon
        private static final float BUFFER_SLACK = 1.5f;
        private float[] mRingLux;
        private long[] mRingTime;
        private int mCapacity;

        // The first valid element and the next open slot.
        // Note that if mCount is zero then there are no valid elements.
        private int mStart;
        private int mEnd;
        private int mCount;

        public AmbientLightRingBuffer(long lightSensorRate, int ambientLightHorizon) {
            mCapacity = (int) Math.ceil(ambientLightHorizon * BUFFER_SLACK / lightSensorRate);
            mRingLux = new float[mCapacity];
            mRingTime = new long[mCapacity];

        public float getLux(int index) {
            return mRingLux[offsetOf(index)];

        public long getTime(int index) {
            return mRingTime[offsetOf(index)];

        public void push(long time, float lux) {
            int next = mEnd;
            if (mCount == mCapacity) {
                int newSize = mCapacity * 2;

                float[] newRingLux = new float[newSize];
                long[] newRingTime = new long[newSize];
                int length = mCapacity - mStart;
                System.arraycopy(mRingLux, mStart, newRingLux, 0, length);
                System.arraycopy(mRingTime, mStart, newRingTime, 0, length);
                if (mStart != 0) {
                    System.arraycopy(mRingLux, 0, newRingLux, length, mStart);
                    System.arraycopy(mRingTime, 0, newRingTime, length, mStart);
                mRingLux = newRingLux;
                mRingTime = newRingTime;

                next = mCapacity;
                mCapacity = newSize;
                mStart = 0;
            mRingTime[next] = time;
            mRingLux[next] = lux;
            mEnd = next + 1;
            if (mEnd == mCapacity) {
                mEnd = 0;

        public void prune(long horizon) {
            if (mCount == 0) {

            while (mCount > 1) {
                int next = mStart + 1;
                if (next >= mCapacity) {
                    next -= mCapacity;
                if (mRingTime[next] > horizon) {
                    // Some light sensors only produce data upon a change in the ambient light
                    // levels, so we need to consider the previous measurement as the ambient light
                    // level for all points in time up until we receive a new measurement. Thus, we
                    // always want to keep the youngest element that would be removed from the
                    // buffer and just set its measurement time to the horizon time since at that
                    // point it is the ambient light level, and to remove it would be to drop a
                    // valid data point within our horizon.
                mStart = next;
                mCount -= 1;

            if (mRingTime[mStart] < horizon) {
                mRingTime[mStart] = horizon;

        public int size() {
            return mCount;

        public void clear() {
            mStart = 0;
            mEnd = 0;
            mCount = 0;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
                final long next = i + 1 < mCount ? getTime(i + 1) : SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                if (i != 0) {
                    buf.append(", ");
                buf.append(" / ");
                buf.append(next - getTime(i));
            return buf.toString();

        private int offsetOf(int index) {
            if (index >= mCount || index < 0) {
                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
            index += mStart;
            if (index >= mCapacity) {
                index -= mCapacity;
            return index;