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 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "util/base/integral_types.h"

#include "util/base/logging.h"

namespace libtextclassifier2 {

constexpr int kInvalidIndex = -1;

// Index for a 0-based array of tokens.
using TokenIndex = int;

// Index for a 0-based array of codepoints.
using CodepointIndex = int;

// Marks a span in a sequence of codepoints. The first element is the index of
// the first codepoint of the span, and the second element is the index of the
// codepoint one past the end of the span.
// TODO(b/71982294): Make it a struct.
using CodepointSpan = std::pair<CodepointIndex, CodepointIndex>;

inline bool SpansOverlap(const CodepointSpan& a, const CodepointSpan& b) {
  return a.first < b.second && b.first < a.second;

inline bool ValidNonEmptySpan(const CodepointSpan& span) {
  return span.first < span.second && span.first >= 0 && span.second >= 0;

template <typename T>
bool DoesCandidateConflict(
    const int considered_candidate, const std::vector<T>& candidates,
    const std::set<int, std::function<bool(int, int)>>& chosen_indices_set) {
  if (chosen_indices_set.empty()) {
    return false;

  auto conflicting_it = chosen_indices_set.lower_bound(considered_candidate);
  // Check conflict on the right.
  if (conflicting_it != chosen_indices_set.end() &&
                   candidates[*conflicting_it].span)) {
    return true;

  // Check conflict on the left.
  // If we can't go more left, there can't be a conflict:
  if (conflicting_it == chosen_indices_set.begin()) {
    return false;
  // Otherwise move one span left and insert if it doesn't overlap with the
  // candidate.
  if (!SpansOverlap(candidates[considered_candidate].span,
                    candidates[*conflicting_it].span)) {
    return false;

  return true;

// Marks a span in a sequence of tokens. The first element is the index of the
// first token in the span, and the second element is the index of the token one
// past the end of the span.
// TODO(b/71982294): Make it a struct.
using TokenSpan = std::pair<TokenIndex, TokenIndex>;

// Returns the size of the token span. Assumes that the span is valid.
inline int TokenSpanSize(const TokenSpan& token_span) {
  return token_span.second - token_span.first;

// Returns a token span consisting of one token.
inline TokenSpan SingleTokenSpan(int token_index) {
  return {token_index, token_index + 1};

// Returns an intersection of two token spans. Assumes that both spans are valid
// and overlapping.
inline TokenSpan IntersectTokenSpans(const TokenSpan& token_span1,
                                     const TokenSpan& token_span2) {
  return {std::max(token_span1.first, token_span2.first),
          std::min(token_span1.second, token_span2.second)};

// Returns and expanded token span by adding a certain number of tokens on its
// left and on its right.
inline TokenSpan ExpandTokenSpan(const TokenSpan& token_span,
                                 int num_tokens_left, int num_tokens_right) {
  return {token_span.first - num_tokens_left,
          token_span.second + num_tokens_right};

// Token holds a token, its position in the original string and whether it was
// part of the input span.
struct Token {
  std::string value;
  CodepointIndex start;
  CodepointIndex end;

  // Whether the token is a padding token.
  bool is_padding;

  // Default constructor constructs the padding-token.
      : value(""), start(kInvalidIndex), end(kInvalidIndex), is_padding(true) {}

  Token(const std::string& arg_value, CodepointIndex arg_start,
        CodepointIndex arg_end)
      : value(arg_value), start(arg_start), end(arg_end), is_padding(false) {}

  bool operator==(const Token& other) const {
    return value == other.value && start == other.start && end == other.end &&
           is_padding == other.is_padding;

  bool IsContainedInSpan(CodepointSpan span) const {
    return start >= span.first && end <= span.second;

// Pretty-printing function for Token.
inline logging::LoggingStringStream& operator<<(
    logging::LoggingStringStream& stream, const Token& token) {
  if (!token.is_padding) {
    return stream << "Token(\"" << token.value << "\", " << token.start << ", "
                  << token.end << ")";
  } else {
    return stream << "Token()";

enum DatetimeGranularity {
  GRANULARITY_UNKNOWN = -1,  // GRANULARITY_UNKNOWN is used as a proxy for this
                             // structure being uninitialized.

struct DatetimeParseResult {
  // The absolute time in milliseconds since the epoch in UTC. This is derived
  // from the reference time and the fields specified in the text - so it may
  // be imperfect where the time was ambiguous. (e.g. "at 7:30" may be am or pm)
  int64 time_ms_utc;

  // The precision of the estimate then in to calculating the milliseconds
  DatetimeGranularity granularity;

  DatetimeParseResult() : time_ms_utc(0), granularity(GRANULARITY_UNKNOWN) {}

  DatetimeParseResult(int64 arg_time_ms_utc,
                      DatetimeGranularity arg_granularity)
      : time_ms_utc(arg_time_ms_utc), granularity(arg_granularity) {}

  bool IsSet() const { return granularity != GRANULARITY_UNKNOWN; }

  bool operator==(const DatetimeParseResult& other) const {
    return granularity == other.granularity && time_ms_utc == other.time_ms_utc;

const float kFloatCompareEpsilon = 1e-5;

struct DatetimeParseResultSpan {
  CodepointSpan span;
  DatetimeParseResult data;
  float target_classification_score;
  float priority_score;

  bool operator==(const DatetimeParseResultSpan& other) const {
    return span == other.span && data.granularity == other.data.granularity &&
           data.time_ms_utc == other.data.time_ms_utc &&
           std::abs(target_classification_score -
                    other.target_classification_score) < kFloatCompareEpsilon &&
           std::abs(priority_score - other.priority_score) <

// Pretty-printing function for DatetimeParseResultSpan.
inline logging::LoggingStringStream& operator<<(
    logging::LoggingStringStream& stream,
    const DatetimeParseResultSpan& value) {
  return stream << "DatetimeParseResultSpan({" << value.span.first << ", "
                << value.span.second << "}, {/*time_ms_utc=*/ "
                << value.data.time_ms_utc << ", /*granularity=*/ "
                << value.data.granularity << "})";

struct ClassificationResult {
  std::string collection;
  float score;
  DatetimeParseResult datetime_parse_result;

  // Internal score used for conflict resolution.
  float priority_score;

  explicit ClassificationResult() : score(-1.0f), priority_score(-1.0) {}

  ClassificationResult(const std::string& arg_collection, float arg_score)
      : collection(arg_collection),
        priority_score(arg_score) {}

  ClassificationResult(const std::string& arg_collection, float arg_score,
                       float arg_priority_score)
      : collection(arg_collection),
        priority_score(arg_priority_score) {}

// Pretty-printing function for ClassificationResult.
inline logging::LoggingStringStream& operator<<(
    logging::LoggingStringStream& stream, const ClassificationResult& result) {
  return stream << "ClassificationResult(" << result.collection << ", "
                << result.score << ")";

// Pretty-printing function for std::vector<ClassificationResult>.
inline logging::LoggingStringStream& operator<<(
    logging::LoggingStringStream& stream,
    const std::vector<ClassificationResult>& results) {
  stream = stream << "{\n";
  for (const ClassificationResult& result : results) {
    stream = stream << "    " << result << "\n";
  stream = stream << "}";
  return stream;

// Represents a result of Annotate call.
struct AnnotatedSpan {
  // Unicode codepoint indices in the input string.
  CodepointSpan span = {kInvalidIndex, kInvalidIndex};

  // Classification result for the span.
  std::vector<ClassificationResult> classification;

// Pretty-printing function for AnnotatedSpan.
inline logging::LoggingStringStream& operator<<(
    logging::LoggingStringStream& stream, const AnnotatedSpan& span) {
  std::string best_class;
  float best_score = -1;
  if (!span.classification.empty()) {
    best_class = span.classification[0].collection;
    best_score = span.classification[0].score;
  return stream << "Span(" << span.span.first << ", " << span.span.second
                << ", " << best_class << ", " << best_score << ")";

// StringPiece analogue for std::vector<T>.
template <class T>
class VectorSpan {
  VectorSpan() : begin_(), end_() {}
  VectorSpan(const std::vector<T>& v)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
      : begin_(v.begin()), end_(v.end()) {}
  VectorSpan(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator begin,
             typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator end)
      : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}

  const T& operator[](typename std::vector<T>::size_type i) const {
    return *(begin_ + i);

  int size() const { return end_ - begin_; }
  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator begin() const { return begin_; }
  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator end() const { return end_; }
  const float* data() const { return &(*begin_); }

  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator begin_;
  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator end_;

struct DateParseData {
  enum Relation {
    NEXT = 1,
    NEXT_OR_SAME = 2,
    LAST = 3,
    NOW = 4,
    TOMORROW = 5,
    YESTERDAY = 6,
    PAST = 7,
    FUTURE = 8

  enum RelationType {
    MONDAY = 1,
    TUESDAY = 2,
    WEDNESDAY = 3,
    THURSDAY = 4,
    FRIDAY = 5,
    SATURDAY = 6,
    SUNDAY = 7,
    DAY = 8,
    WEEK = 9,
    MONTH = 10,
    YEAR = 11

  enum Fields {
    YEAR_FIELD = 1 << 0,
    MONTH_FIELD = 1 << 1,
    DAY_FIELD = 1 << 2,
    HOUR_FIELD = 1 << 3,
    MINUTE_FIELD = 1 << 4,
    SECOND_FIELD = 1 << 5,
    AMPM_FIELD = 1 << 6,
    ZONE_OFFSET_FIELD = 1 << 7,
    DST_OFFSET_FIELD = 1 << 8,
    RELATION_FIELD = 1 << 9,
    RELATION_TYPE_FIELD = 1 << 10,

  enum AMPM { AM = 0, PM = 1 };

  enum TimeUnit {
    DAYS = 1,
    WEEKS = 2,
    MONTHS = 3,
    HOURS = 4,
    MINUTES = 5,
    SECONDS = 6,
    YEARS = 7

  // Bit mask of fields which have been set on the struct
  int field_set_mask;

  // Fields describing absolute date fields.
  // Year of the date seen in the text match.
  int year;
  // Month of the year starting with January = 1.
  int month;
  // Day of the month starting with 1.
  int day_of_month;
  // Hour of the day with a range of 0-23,
  // values less than 12 need the AMPM field below or heuristics
  // to definitively determine the time.
  int hour;
  // Hour of the day with a range of 0-59.
  int minute;
  // Hour of the day with a range of 0-59.
  int second;
  // 0 == AM, 1 == PM
  int ampm;
  // Number of hours offset from UTC this date time is in.
  int zone_offset;
  // Number of hours offest for DST
  int dst_offset;

  // The permutation from now that was made to find the date time.
  Relation relation;
  // The unit of measure of the change to the date time.
  RelationType relation_type;
  // The number of units of change that were made.
  int relation_distance;

}  // namespace libtextclassifier2