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Confirm empty
empty=Allocations[message header len: 15 entry header len: 9 stack frame len: 8 number of entries: 0 offset to string table from start of message: 15 number of class name strings: 0 number of method name strings: 0 number of source file name strings: 0]
Confirm enable
Capture some allocations (note just this causes allocations)
before > 0=true
Confirm when we overflow, we don't roll over to zero. b/17392248
before < overflowAllocations=true
after > before=true
Disable and confirm back to empty
reset=Allocations[message header len: 15 entry header len: 9 stack frame len: 8 number of entries: 0 offset to string table from start of message: 15 number of class name strings: 0 number of method name strings: 0 number of source file name strings: 0]
Confirm we can disable twice in a row
Confirm we can reenable twice in a row without losing allocations
second > first =true
goodbye=Allocations[message header len: 15 entry header len: 9 stack frame len: 8 number of entries: 0 offset to string table from start of message: 15 number of class name strings: 0 number of method name strings: 0 number of source file name strings: 0]