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<div class="title"><code>ndk-depends</code> Tool </div>  </div>
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<div class="textblock"><h2>Introduction</h2>
<p>The <code>ndk-depends</code> tool that comes with this Android NDK allows you to dump the ELF dependencies of a given ELF shared library or executable.</p>
<p>With the &ndash;print-java option, it can also be used to generate a Java source fragment to load your native library and its dependencies in the correct order (see example below).</p>
<p>Use '<code>ndk-depends --help</code>' for complete usage information.</p>
<p>This tool is designed to support:</p>
<li>Either 32-bit or 64-bit ELF binaries.</li>
<li>Either little-endian or big-endian ELF binaries.</li>
<li>Unicode file paths, on Windows.</li>
<p>Note: The Windows binary will NOT work with Cygwin paths !</p>
<li><code>ndk-depends path/to/</code> Dump all dependencies of, in topological order, so that any library listed in the result appears before any other library it depends on.</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends --print-paths path/to/</code> Same as above, but also prints the path of the libraries on your host file system.</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends -L some/other/path path/to/</code> Append 'some/other/path' to the search path for depending libraries when looking at the dependencies for ''</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends --print-direct path/to/</code> Only print the <em>direct</em> dependencies of, and nothing else, in the order they appear in the file.</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends path/to/ --print-java</code> Prints a Java source fragment that corresponds to the load of 'libfoo' with System.loadLibrary(). This lists all libraries in reverse order, and ignores system libraries (e.g.</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends path/to/ --print-dot | dot -Tpng -o /tmp/graph.png</code> Prints the dependency graph as Graphviz .dot file, then generate a PNG image for it.</li>
<li><code>ndk-depends --help</code> Print complete usage details.</li>
<p>Let's assume your project has the several libraries: </p>
<pre class="fragment"> -&gt; depends on and -&gt; depends on the system's -&gt; depends on
</pre><p>Then '<code>ndk-depends libs/armeabi/</code>' will typically print: </p>
<pre class="fragment">
</pre><p>And '<code>ndk-depends --print-java libs/armeabi/</code>' will print: </p>
<pre class="fragment">    System.loadLibrary("bar");
</pre><p>This is handy to avoid computing the reverse library order yourself for complex projects.</p>
<p>For more details, see the output of '<code>ndk-depends --help</code>'. </p>
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