Android NDK CPU Features detection library:

This NDK provides a small library named "cpufeatures" that can be used at
runtime to detect the target device's CPU family and the optional features
it supports.


The library is available from sources/cpufeatures. It provides an
build script that can be used to build it as a static library.

To use it, you must:

  * include '$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cpufeatures/' at the start or end of your file.

  * add '$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cpufeatures' to your LOCAL_C_INCLUDES definition.

  * add 'cpufeatures' to your LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES definition when building
    your final shared library.

  your source code can then #include <cpu-features.h> to compile against it.

Here is a simple example:

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_MODULE := <your-module-name>
    LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cpufeatures
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := <your-source-files>
    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cpufeatures

    include $(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cpufeature/


Two functions are provided for now:

   AndroidCpuFamily   android_getCpuFamily();

Returns the target device's CPU Family as an enum. For now, the only
supported family is ANDROID_CPU_FAMILY_ARM.

   uint64_t   android_getCpuFeatures();

Returns the set of optional features supported by the device's CPU.
The result is a set of bit-flags, each corresponding to one CPU
Family-specific optional feature.

Currently, only the following flags are defined, for the ARM CPU Family:

      Indicates that the device's CPU supports the ARMv7-A instruction
      set as supported by the "armeabi-v7a" abi (see CPU-ARCH-ABIS.TXT). 
      This corresponds to Thumb-2 and VFPv3-D16 instructions.

      Indicates that the device's CPU supports the VFPv3 hardware FPU
      instruction set extension. Due to the definition of 'armeabi-v7a',
      this will always be the case if ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_ARMv7 is

      Note that this corresponds to the minimum profile VFPv3-D16 that
      _only_ provides 16 hardware FP registers.

      Indicates that the device's CPU supports the ARM Advanced SIMD
      (a.k.a. NEON) vector instruction set extension. Note that ARM
      mandates that such CPUs also implement VFPv3-D32, which provides
      32 hardware FP registers (shared with the NEON unit).

Important Note:

The cpufeatures library will be updated to support more CPU families and
optional features in the future. It is designed to work as-is on all
official Android platform versions.