 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package android.app;

import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.Build;
import android.transition.Transition;
import android.transition.TransitionListenerAdapter;
import android.transition.TransitionManager;
import android.transition.TransitionSet;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import com.android.internal.view.OneShotPreDrawListener;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Contains the Fragment Transition functionality for both ordered and reordered
 * Fragment Transactions. With reordered fragment transactions, all Views have been
 * added to the View hierarchy prior to calling startTransitions. With ordered
 * fragment transactions, Views will be removed and added after calling startTransitions.
class FragmentTransition {
     * The inverse of all BackStackRecord operation commands. This assumes that
     * REPLACE operations have already been replaced by add/remove operations.
    private static final int[] INVERSE_OPS = {
            BackStackRecord.OP_NULL,              // inverse of OP_NULL (error)
            BackStackRecord.OP_REMOVE,            // inverse of OP_ADD
            BackStackRecord.OP_NULL,              // inverse of OP_REPLACE (error)
            BackStackRecord.OP_ADD,               // inverse of OP_REMOVE
            BackStackRecord.OP_SHOW,              // inverse of OP_HIDE
            BackStackRecord.OP_HIDE,              // inverse of OP_SHOW
            BackStackRecord.OP_ATTACH,            // inverse of OP_DETACH
            BackStackRecord.OP_DETACH,            // inverse of OP_ATTACH
            BackStackRecord.OP_UNSET_PRIMARY_NAV, // inverse of OP_SET_PRIMARY_NAV
            BackStackRecord.OP_SET_PRIMARY_NAV,   // inverse of OP_UNSET_PRIMARY_NAV

     * The main entry point for Fragment Transitions, this starts the transitions
     * set on the leaving Fragment's {@link Fragment#getExitTransition()}, the
     * entering Fragment's {@link Fragment#getEnterTransition()} and
     * {@link Fragment#getSharedElementEnterTransition()}. When popping,
     * the leaving Fragment's {@link Fragment#getReturnTransition()} and
     * {@link Fragment#getSharedElementReturnTransition()} and the entering
     * {@link Fragment#getReenterTransition()} will be run.
     * <p>
     * With reordered Fragment Transitions, all Views have been added to the
     * View hierarchy prior to calling this method. The incoming Fragment's Views
     * will be INVISIBLE. With ordered Fragment Transitions, this method
     * is called before any change has been made to the hierarchy. That means
     * that the added Fragments have not created their Views yet and the hierarchy
     * is unknown.
     * @param fragmentManager The executing FragmentManagerImpl
     * @param records The list of transactions being executed.
     * @param isRecordPop For each transaction, whether it is a pop transaction or not.
     * @param startIndex The first index into records and isRecordPop to execute as
     *                   part of this transition.
     * @param endIndex One past the last index into records and isRecordPop to execute
     *                 as part of this transition.
     * @param isReordered true if this is a reordered transaction, meaning that the
     *                    Views of incoming fragments have been added. false if the
     *                    transaction has yet to be run and Views haven't been created.
    static void startTransitions(FragmentManagerImpl fragmentManager,
            ArrayList<BackStackRecord> records, ArrayList<Boolean> isRecordPop,
            int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean isReordered) {
        if (fragmentManager.mCurState < Fragment.CREATED) {
        SparseArray<FragmentContainerTransition> transitioningFragments =
                new SparseArray<>();
        for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
            final BackStackRecord record = records.get(i);
            final boolean isPop = isRecordPop.get(i);
            if (isPop) {
                calculatePopFragments(record, transitioningFragments, isReordered);
            } else {
                calculateFragments(record, transitioningFragments, isReordered);

        if (transitioningFragments.size() != 0) {
            final View nonExistentView = new View(fragmentManager.mHost.getContext());
            final int numContainers = transitioningFragments.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numContainers; i++) {
                int containerId = transitioningFragments.keyAt(i);
                ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides = calculateNameOverrides(containerId,
                        records, isRecordPop, startIndex, endIndex);

                FragmentContainerTransition containerTransition = transitioningFragments.valueAt(i);

                if (isReordered) {
                    configureTransitionsReordered(fragmentManager, containerId,
                            containerTransition, nonExistentView, nameOverrides);
                } else {
                    configureTransitionsOrdered(fragmentManager, containerId,
                            containerTransition, nonExistentView, nameOverrides);

     * Iterates through the transactions that affect a given fragment container
     * and tracks the shared element names across transactions. This is most useful
     * in pop transactions where the names of shared elements are known.
     * @param containerId The container ID that is executing the transition.
     * @param records The list of transactions being executed.
     * @param isRecordPop For each transaction, whether it is a pop transaction or not.
     * @param startIndex The first index into records and isRecordPop to execute as
     *                   part of this transition.
     * @param endIndex One past the last index into records and isRecordPop to execute
     *                 as part of this transition.
     * @return A map from the initial shared element name to the final shared element name
     * before any onMapSharedElements is run.
    private static ArrayMap<String, String> calculateNameOverrides(int containerId,
            ArrayList<BackStackRecord> records, ArrayList<Boolean> isRecordPop,
            int startIndex, int endIndex) {
        ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides = new ArrayMap<>();
        for (int recordNum = endIndex - 1; recordNum >= startIndex; recordNum--) {
            final BackStackRecord record = records.get(recordNum);
            if (!record.interactsWith(containerId)) {
            final boolean isPop = isRecordPop.get(recordNum);
            if (record.mSharedElementSourceNames != null) {
                final int numSharedElements = record.mSharedElementSourceNames.size();
                final ArrayList<String> sources;
                final ArrayList<String> targets;
                if (isPop) {
                    targets = record.mSharedElementSourceNames;
                    sources = record.mSharedElementTargetNames;
                } else {
                    sources = record.mSharedElementSourceNames;
                    targets = record.mSharedElementTargetNames;
                for (int i = 0; i < numSharedElements; i++) {
                    String sourceName = sources.get(i);
                    String targetName = targets.get(i);
                    String previousTarget = nameOverrides.remove(targetName);
                    if (previousTarget != null) {
                        nameOverrides.put(sourceName, previousTarget);
                    } else {
                        nameOverrides.put(sourceName, targetName);
        return nameOverrides;

     * Configures a transition for a single fragment container for which the transaction was
     * reordered. That means that all Fragment Views have been added and incoming fragment
     * Views are marked invisible.
     * @param fragmentManager The executing FragmentManagerImpl
     * @param containerId The container ID that is executing the transition.
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @param nonExistentView A View that does not exist in the hierarchy. This is used to
     *                        prevent transitions from acting on other Views when there is no
     *                        other target.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
    private static void configureTransitionsReordered(FragmentManagerImpl fragmentManager,
            int containerId, FragmentContainerTransition fragments,
            View nonExistentView, ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides) {
        ViewGroup sceneRoot = null;
        if (fragmentManager.mContainer.onHasView()) {
            sceneRoot = fragmentManager.mContainer.onFindViewById(containerId);
        if (sceneRoot == null) {
        final Fragment inFragment = fragments.lastIn;
        final Fragment outFragment = fragments.firstOut;
        final boolean inIsPop = fragments.lastInIsPop;
        final boolean outIsPop = fragments.firstOutIsPop;

        ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<View> sharedElementsOut = new ArrayList<>();
        Transition enterTransition = getEnterTransition(inFragment, inIsPop);
        Transition exitTransition = getExitTransition(outFragment, outIsPop);

        TransitionSet sharedElementTransition = configureSharedElementsReordered(sceneRoot,
                nonExistentView, nameOverrides, fragments, sharedElementsOut, sharedElementsIn,
                enterTransition, exitTransition);

        if (enterTransition == null && sharedElementTransition == null &&
                exitTransition == null) {
            return; // no transitions!

        ArrayList<View> exitingViews = configureEnteringExitingViews(exitTransition,
                outFragment, sharedElementsOut, nonExistentView);

        ArrayList<View> enteringViews = configureEnteringExitingViews(enterTransition,
                inFragment, sharedElementsIn, nonExistentView);

        setViewVisibility(enteringViews, View.INVISIBLE);

        Transition transition = mergeTransitions(enterTransition, exitTransition,
                sharedElementTransition, inFragment, inIsPop);

        if (transition != null) {
            replaceHide(exitTransition, outFragment, exitingViews);
                    enterTransition, enteringViews, exitTransition, exitingViews,
                    sharedElementTransition, sharedElementsIn);
            TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(sceneRoot, transition);
            setViewVisibility(enteringViews, View.VISIBLE);
            // Swap the shared element targets
            if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
                replaceTargets(sharedElementTransition, sharedElementsOut, sharedElementsIn);

     * Configures a transition for a single fragment container for which the transaction was
     * ordered. That means that the transaction has not been executed yet, so incoming
     * Views are not yet known.
     * @param fragmentManager The executing FragmentManagerImpl
     * @param containerId The container ID that is executing the transition.
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @param nonExistentView A View that does not exist in the hierarchy. This is used to
     *                        prevent transitions from acting on other Views when there is no
     *                        other target.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
    private static void configureTransitionsOrdered(FragmentManagerImpl fragmentManager,
            int containerId, FragmentContainerTransition fragments,
            View nonExistentView, ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides) {
        ViewGroup sceneRoot = null;
        if (fragmentManager.mContainer.onHasView()) {
            sceneRoot = fragmentManager.mContainer.onFindViewById(containerId);
        if (sceneRoot == null) {
        final Fragment inFragment = fragments.lastIn;
        final Fragment outFragment = fragments.firstOut;
        final boolean inIsPop = fragments.lastInIsPop;
        final boolean outIsPop = fragments.firstOutIsPop;

        Transition enterTransition = getEnterTransition(inFragment, inIsPop);
        Transition exitTransition = getExitTransition(outFragment, outIsPop);

        ArrayList<View> sharedElementsOut = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn = new ArrayList<>();

        TransitionSet sharedElementTransition = configureSharedElementsOrdered(sceneRoot,
                nonExistentView, nameOverrides, fragments, sharedElementsOut, sharedElementsIn,
                enterTransition, exitTransition);

        if (enterTransition == null && sharedElementTransition == null &&
                exitTransition == null) {
            return; // no transitions!

        ArrayList<View> exitingViews = configureEnteringExitingViews(exitTransition,
                outFragment, sharedElementsOut, nonExistentView);

        if (exitingViews == null || exitingViews.isEmpty()) {
            exitTransition = null;

        if (enterTransition != null) {
            // Ensure the entering transition doesn't target anything until the views are made
            // visible

        Transition transition = mergeTransitions(enterTransition, exitTransition,
                sharedElementTransition, inFragment, fragments.lastInIsPop);

        if (transition != null) {
            final ArrayList<View> enteringViews = new ArrayList<>();
                    enterTransition, enteringViews, exitTransition, exitingViews,
                    sharedElementTransition, sharedElementsIn);
            scheduleTargetChange(sceneRoot, inFragment, nonExistentView, sharedElementsIn,
                    enterTransition, enteringViews, exitTransition, exitingViews);

            TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(sceneRoot, transition);

     * Replace hide operations with visibility changes on the exiting views. Instead of making
     * the entire fragment's view GONE, make each exiting view INVISIBLE. At the end of the
     * transition, make the fragment's view GONE.
    private static void replaceHide(Transition exitTransition, Fragment exitingFragment,
            final ArrayList<View> exitingViews) {
        if (exitingFragment != null && exitTransition != null && exitingFragment.mAdded
                && exitingFragment.mHidden && exitingFragment.mHiddenChanged) {
            final View fragmentView = exitingFragment.getView();
            OneShotPreDrawListener.add(exitingFragment.mContainer, () -> {
                setViewVisibility(exitingViews, View.INVISIBLE);
            exitTransition.addListener(new TransitionListenerAdapter() {
                public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) {
                    setViewVisibility(exitingViews, View.VISIBLE);

     * This method is used for fragment transitions for ordered transactions to change the
     * enter and exit transition targets after the call to
     * {@link TransitionManager#beginDelayedTransition(ViewGroup, Transition)}. The exit transition
     * must ensure that it does not target any Views and the enter transition must start targeting
     * the Views of the incoming Fragment.
     * @param sceneRoot The fragment container View
     * @param inFragment The last fragment that is entering
     * @param nonExistentView A view that does not exist in the hierarchy that is used as a
     *                        transition target to ensure no View is targeted.
     * @param sharedElementsIn The shared element Views of the incoming fragment
     * @param enterTransition The enter transition of the incoming fragment
     * @param enteringViews The entering Views of the incoming fragment
     * @param exitTransition The exit transition of the outgoing fragment
     * @param exitingViews The exiting views of the outgoing fragment
    private static void scheduleTargetChange(final ViewGroup sceneRoot,
            final Fragment inFragment, final View nonExistentView,
            final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn,
            final Transition enterTransition, final ArrayList<View> enteringViews,
            final Transition exitTransition, final ArrayList<View> exitingViews) {

        OneShotPreDrawListener.add(sceneRoot, () -> {
            if (enterTransition != null) {
                ArrayList<View> views = configureEnteringExitingViews(
                        enterTransition, inFragment, sharedElementsIn, nonExistentView);

            if (exitingViews != null) {
                if (exitTransition != null) {
                    ArrayList<View> tempExiting = new ArrayList<>();
                    replaceTargets(exitTransition, exitingViews, tempExiting);

     * Returns a TransitionSet containing the shared element transition. The wrapping TransitionSet
     * targets all shared elements to ensure that no other Views are targeted. The shared element
     * transition can then target any or all shared elements without worrying about accidentally
     * targeting entering or exiting Views.
     * @param inFragment The incoming fragment
     * @param outFragment the outgoing fragment
     * @param isPop True if this is a pop transaction or false if it is a normal (add) transaction.
     * @return A TransitionSet wrapping the shared element transition or null if no such transition
     * exists.
    private static TransitionSet getSharedElementTransition(Fragment inFragment,
            Fragment outFragment, boolean isPop) {
        if (inFragment == null || outFragment == null) {
            return null;
        Transition transition = cloneTransition(isPop
                ? outFragment.getSharedElementReturnTransition()
                : inFragment.getSharedElementEnterTransition());
        if (transition == null) {
            return null;
        TransitionSet transitionSet = new TransitionSet();
        return transitionSet;

     * Returns a clone of the enter transition or null if no such transition exists.
    private static Transition getEnterTransition(Fragment inFragment, boolean isPop) {
        if (inFragment == null) {
            return null;
        return cloneTransition(isPop ? inFragment.getReenterTransition() :

     * Returns a clone of the exit transition or null if no such transition exists.
    private static Transition getExitTransition(Fragment outFragment, boolean isPop) {
        if (outFragment == null) {
            return null;
        return cloneTransition(isPop ? outFragment.getReturnTransition() :

     * Returns a clone of a transition or null if it is null
    private static Transition cloneTransition(Transition transition) {
        if (transition != null) {
            transition = transition.clone();
        return transition;

     * Configures the shared elements of an reordered fragment transaction's transition.
     * This retrieves the shared elements of the outgoing and incoming fragments, maps the
     * views, and sets up the epicenter on the transitions.
     * <p>
     * The epicenter of exit and shared element transitions is the first shared element
     * in the outgoing fragment. The epicenter of the entering transition is the first shared
     * element in the incoming fragment.
     * @param sceneRoot The fragment container View
     * @param nonExistentView A View that does not exist in the hierarchy. This is used to
     *                        prevent transitions from acting on other Views when there is no
     *                        other target.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @param sharedElementsOut A list modified to contain the shared elements in the outgoing
     *                          fragment
     * @param sharedElementsIn A list modified to contain the shared elements in the incoming
     *                         fragment
     * @param enterTransition The transition used for entering Views, modified by applying the
     *                        epicenter
     * @param exitTransition The transition used for exiting Views, modified by applying the
     *                       epicenter
     * @return The shared element transition or null if no shared elements exist
    private static TransitionSet configureSharedElementsReordered(final ViewGroup sceneRoot,
            final View nonExistentView, ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides,
            final FragmentContainerTransition fragments,
            final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsOut,
            final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn,
            final Transition enterTransition, final Transition exitTransition) {
        final Fragment inFragment = fragments.lastIn;
        final Fragment outFragment = fragments.firstOut;
        if (inFragment != null) {
        if (inFragment == null || outFragment == null) {
            return null; // no shared element without a fragment

        final boolean inIsPop = fragments.lastInIsPop;
        TransitionSet sharedElementTransition = nameOverrides.isEmpty() ? null
                : getSharedElementTransition(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop);

        ArrayMap<String, View> outSharedElements = captureOutSharedElements(nameOverrides,
                sharedElementTransition, fragments);

        ArrayMap<String, View> inSharedElements = captureInSharedElements(nameOverrides,
                sharedElementTransition, fragments);

        if (nameOverrides.isEmpty()) {
            sharedElementTransition = null;
            if (outSharedElements != null) {
            if (inSharedElements != null) {
        } else {
            addSharedElementsWithMatchingNames(sharedElementsOut, outSharedElements,
            addSharedElementsWithMatchingNames(sharedElementsIn, inSharedElements,

        if (enterTransition == null && exitTransition == null && sharedElementTransition == null) {
            // don't call onSharedElementStart/End since there is no transition
            return null;

        callSharedElementStartEnd(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop, outSharedElements, true);

        final Rect epicenter;
        final View epicenterView;
        if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
            setSharedElementTargets(sharedElementTransition, nonExistentView, sharedElementsOut);
            final boolean outIsPop = fragments.firstOutIsPop;
            final BackStackRecord outTransaction = fragments.firstOutTransaction;
            setOutEpicenter(sharedElementTransition, exitTransition, outSharedElements, outIsPop,
            epicenter = new Rect();
            epicenterView = getInEpicenterView(inSharedElements, fragments,
                    enterTransition, inIsPop);
            if (epicenterView != null) {
                enterTransition.setEpicenterCallback(new Transition.EpicenterCallback() {
                    public Rect onGetEpicenter(Transition transition) {
                        return epicenter;
        } else {
            epicenter = null;
            epicenterView = null;

        OneShotPreDrawListener.add(sceneRoot, () -> {
            callSharedElementStartEnd(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop,
                    inSharedElements, false);
            if (epicenterView != null) {
        return sharedElementTransition;

     * Add Views from sharedElements into views that have the transitionName in the
     * nameOverridesSet.
     * @param views               Views list to add shared elements to
     * @param sharedElements      List of shared elements
     * @param nameOverridesSet    The transition names for all views to be copied from
     *                            sharedElements to views.
    private static void addSharedElementsWithMatchingNames(ArrayList<View> views,
            ArrayMap<String, View> sharedElements, Collection<String> nameOverridesSet) {
        for (int i = sharedElements.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            View view = sharedElements.valueAt(i);
            if (view != null && nameOverridesSet.contains(view.getTransitionName())) {

     * Configures the shared elements of an ordered fragment transaction's transition.
     * This retrieves the shared elements of the incoming fragments, and schedules capturing
     * the incoming fragment's shared elements. It also maps the views, and sets up the epicenter
     * on the transitions.
     * <p>
     * The epicenter of exit and shared element transitions is the first shared element
     * in the outgoing fragment. The epicenter of the entering transition is the first shared
     * element in the incoming fragment.
     * @param sceneRoot The fragment container View
     * @param nonExistentView A View that does not exist in the hierarchy. This is used to
     *                        prevent transitions from acting on other Views when there is no
     *                        other target.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @param sharedElementsOut A list modified to contain the shared elements in the outgoing
     *                          fragment
     * @param sharedElementsIn A list modified to contain the shared elements in the incoming
     *                         fragment
     * @param enterTransition The transition used for entering Views, modified by applying the
     *                        epicenter
     * @param exitTransition The transition used for exiting Views, modified by applying the
     *                       epicenter
     * @return The shared element transition or null if no shared elements exist
    private static TransitionSet configureSharedElementsOrdered(final ViewGroup sceneRoot,
            final View nonExistentView, ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides,
            final FragmentContainerTransition fragments,
            final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsOut,
            final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn,
            final Transition enterTransition, final Transition exitTransition) {
        final Fragment inFragment = fragments.lastIn;
        final Fragment outFragment = fragments.firstOut;

        if (inFragment == null || outFragment == null) {
            return null; // no transition

        final boolean inIsPop = fragments.lastInIsPop;
        TransitionSet sharedElementTransition = nameOverrides.isEmpty() ? null
                : getSharedElementTransition(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop);

        ArrayMap<String, View> outSharedElements = captureOutSharedElements(nameOverrides,
                sharedElementTransition, fragments);

        if (nameOverrides.isEmpty()) {
            sharedElementTransition = null;
        } else {

        if (enterTransition == null && exitTransition == null && sharedElementTransition == null) {
            // don't call onSharedElementStart/End since there is no transition
            return null;

        callSharedElementStartEnd(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop, outSharedElements, true);

        final Rect inEpicenter;
        if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
            inEpicenter = new Rect();
            setSharedElementTargets(sharedElementTransition, nonExistentView, sharedElementsOut);
            final boolean outIsPop = fragments.firstOutIsPop;
            final BackStackRecord outTransaction = fragments.firstOutTransaction;
            setOutEpicenter(sharedElementTransition, exitTransition, outSharedElements, outIsPop,
            if (enterTransition != null) {
                enterTransition.setEpicenterCallback(new Transition.EpicenterCallback() {
                    public Rect onGetEpicenter(Transition transition) {
                        if (inEpicenter.isEmpty()) {
                            return null;
                        return inEpicenter;
        } else {
            inEpicenter = null;

        TransitionSet finalSharedElementTransition = sharedElementTransition;

        OneShotPreDrawListener.add(sceneRoot, () -> {
            ArrayMap<String, View> inSharedElements = captureInSharedElements(
                    nameOverrides, finalSharedElementTransition, fragments);

            if (inSharedElements != null) {

            callSharedElementStartEnd(inFragment, outFragment, inIsPop,
                    inSharedElements, false);
            if (finalSharedElementTransition != null) {
                replaceTargets(finalSharedElementTransition, sharedElementsOut,

                final View inEpicenterView = getInEpicenterView(inSharedElements,
                        fragments, enterTransition, inIsPop);
                if (inEpicenterView != null) {
        return sharedElementTransition;

     * Finds the shared elements in the outgoing fragment. It also calls
     * {@link SharedElementCallback#onMapSharedElements(List, Map)} to allow more control
     * of the shared element mapping. {@code nameOverrides} is updated to match the
     * actual transition name of the mapped shared elements.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
     * @param sharedElementTransition The shared element transition
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @return The mapping of shared element names to the Views in the hierarchy or null
     * if there is no shared element transition.
    private static ArrayMap<String, View> captureOutSharedElements(
            ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides, TransitionSet sharedElementTransition,
            FragmentContainerTransition fragments) {
        if (nameOverrides.isEmpty() || sharedElementTransition == null) {
            return null;
        final Fragment outFragment = fragments.firstOut;
        final ArrayMap<String, View> outSharedElements = new ArrayMap<>();

        final SharedElementCallback sharedElementCallback;
        final ArrayList<String> names;
        final BackStackRecord outTransaction = fragments.firstOutTransaction;
        if (fragments.firstOutIsPop) {
            sharedElementCallback = outFragment.getEnterTransitionCallback();
            names = outTransaction.mSharedElementTargetNames;
        } else {
            sharedElementCallback = outFragment.getExitTransitionCallback();
            names = outTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames;

        if (sharedElementCallback != null) {
            sharedElementCallback.onMapSharedElements(names, outSharedElements);
            for (int i = names.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                String name = names.get(i);
                View view = outSharedElements.get(name);
                if (view == null) {
                } else if (!name.equals(view.getTransitionName())) {
                    String targetValue = nameOverrides.remove(name);
                    nameOverrides.put(view.getTransitionName(), targetValue);
        } else {
        return outSharedElements;

     * Finds the shared elements in the incoming fragment. It also calls
     * {@link SharedElementCallback#onMapSharedElements(List, Map)} to allow more control
     * of the shared element mapping. {@code nameOverrides} is updated to match the
     * actual transition name of the mapped shared elements.
     * @param nameOverrides A map of the shared element names from the starting fragment to
     *                      the final fragment's Views as given in
     *                      {@link FragmentTransaction#addSharedElement(View, String)}.
     * @param sharedElementTransition The shared element transition
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @return The mapping of shared element names to the Views in the hierarchy or null
     * if there is no shared element transition.
    private static ArrayMap<String, View> captureInSharedElements(
            ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides, TransitionSet sharedElementTransition,
            FragmentContainerTransition fragments) {
        Fragment inFragment = fragments.lastIn;
        final View fragmentView = inFragment.getView();
        if (nameOverrides.isEmpty() || sharedElementTransition == null || fragmentView == null) {
            return null;
        final ArrayMap<String, View> inSharedElements = new ArrayMap<>();

        final SharedElementCallback sharedElementCallback;
        final ArrayList<String> names;
        final BackStackRecord inTransaction = fragments.lastInTransaction;
        if (fragments.lastInIsPop) {
            sharedElementCallback = inFragment.getExitTransitionCallback();
            names = inTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames;
        } else {
            sharedElementCallback = inFragment.getEnterTransitionCallback();
            names = inTransaction.mSharedElementTargetNames;

        if (names != null) {
        if (names != null && sharedElementCallback != null) {
            sharedElementCallback.onMapSharedElements(names, inSharedElements);
            for (int i = names.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                String name = names.get(i);
                View view = inSharedElements.get(name);
                if (view == null) {
                    String key = findKeyForValue(nameOverrides, name);
                    if (key != null) {
                } else if (!name.equals(view.getTransitionName())) {
                    String key = findKeyForValue(nameOverrides, name);
                    if (key != null) {
                        nameOverrides.put(key, view.getTransitionName());
        } else {
            retainValues(nameOverrides, inSharedElements);
        return inSharedElements;

     * Utility to find the String key in {@code map} that maps to {@code value}.
    private static String findKeyForValue(ArrayMap<String, String> map, String value) {
        final int numElements = map.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
            if (value.equals(map.valueAt(i))) {
                return map.keyAt(i);
        return null;

     * Returns the View in the incoming Fragment that should be used as the epicenter.
     * @param inSharedElements The mapping of shared element names to Views in the
     *                         incoming fragment.
     * @param fragments A structure holding the transitioning fragments in this container.
     * @param enterTransition The transition used for the incoming Fragment's views
     * @param inIsPop Is the incoming fragment being added as a pop transaction?
    private static View getInEpicenterView(ArrayMap<String, View> inSharedElements,
            FragmentContainerTransition fragments,
            Transition enterTransition, boolean inIsPop) {
        BackStackRecord inTransaction = fragments.lastInTransaction;
        if (enterTransition != null && inSharedElements != null
                && inTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames != null
                && !inTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames.isEmpty()) {
            final String targetName = inIsPop
                    ? inTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames.get(0)
                    : inTransaction.mSharedElementTargetNames.get(0);
            return inSharedElements.get(targetName);
        return null;

     * Sets the epicenter for the exit transition.
     * @param sharedElementTransition The shared element transition
     * @param exitTransition The transition for the outgoing fragment's views
     * @param outSharedElements Shared elements in the outgoing fragment
     * @param outIsPop Is the outgoing fragment being removed as a pop transaction?
     * @param outTransaction The transaction that caused the fragment to be removed.
    private static void setOutEpicenter(TransitionSet sharedElementTransition,
            Transition exitTransition, ArrayMap<String, View> outSharedElements, boolean outIsPop,
            BackStackRecord outTransaction) {
        if (outTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames != null &&
                !outTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames.isEmpty()) {
            final String sourceName = outIsPop
                    ? outTransaction.mSharedElementTargetNames.get(0)
                    : outTransaction.mSharedElementSourceNames.get(0);
            final View outEpicenterView = outSharedElements.get(sourceName);
            setEpicenter(sharedElementTransition, outEpicenterView);

            if (exitTransition != null) {
                setEpicenter(exitTransition, outEpicenterView);

     * Sets a transition epicenter to the rectangle of a given View.
    private static void setEpicenter(Transition transition, View view) {
        if (view != null) {
            final Rect epicenter = new Rect();

            transition.setEpicenterCallback(new Transition.EpicenterCallback() {
                public Rect onGetEpicenter(Transition transition) {
                    return epicenter;

     * A utility to retain only the mappings in {@code nameOverrides} that have a value
     * that has a key in {@code namedViews}. This is a useful equivalent to
     * {@link ArrayMap#retainAll(Collection)} for values.
    private static void retainValues(ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides,
            ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews) {
        for (int i = nameOverrides.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final String targetName = nameOverrides.valueAt(i);
            if (!namedViews.containsKey(targetName)) {

     * Calls the {@link SharedElementCallback#onSharedElementStart(List, List, List)} or
     * {@link SharedElementCallback#onSharedElementEnd(List, List, List)} on the appropriate
     * incoming or outgoing fragment.
     * @param inFragment The incoming fragment
     * @param outFragment The outgoing fragment
     * @param isPop Is the incoming fragment part of a pop transaction?
     * @param sharedElements The shared element Views
     * @param isStart Call the start or end call on the SharedElementCallback
    private static void callSharedElementStartEnd(Fragment inFragment, Fragment outFragment,
            boolean isPop, ArrayMap<String, View> sharedElements, boolean isStart) {
        SharedElementCallback sharedElementCallback = isPop
                ? outFragment.getEnterTransitionCallback()
                : inFragment.getEnterTransitionCallback();
        if (sharedElementCallback != null) {
            ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<>();
            ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
            final int count = sharedElements == null ? 0 : sharedElements.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (isStart) {
                sharedElementCallback.onSharedElementStart(names, views, null);
            } else {
                sharedElementCallback.onSharedElementEnd(names, views, null);

     * Finds all children of the shared elements and sets the wrapping TransitionSet
     * targets to point to those. It also limits transitions that have no targets to the
     * specific shared elements. This allows developers to target child views of the
     * shared elements specifically, but this doesn't happen by default.
    private static void setSharedElementTargets(TransitionSet transition,
            View nonExistentView, ArrayList<View> sharedViews) {
        final List<View> views = transition.getTargets();
        final int count = sharedViews.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View view = sharedViews.get(i);
            bfsAddViewChildren(views, view);
        addTargets(transition, sharedViews);

     * Uses a breadth-first scheme to add startView and all of its children to views.
     * It won't add a child if it is already in views.
    private static void bfsAddViewChildren(final List<View> views, final View startView) {
        final int startIndex = views.size();
        if (containedBeforeIndex(views, startView, startIndex)) {
            return; // This child is already in the list, so all its children are also.
        for (int index = startIndex; index < views.size(); index++) {
            final View view = views.get(index);
            if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
                ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view;
                final int childCount =  viewGroup.getChildCount();
                for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) {
                    final View child = viewGroup.getChildAt(childIndex);
                    if (!containedBeforeIndex(views, child, startIndex)) {

     * Does a linear search through views for view, limited to maxIndex.
    private static boolean containedBeforeIndex(final List<View> views, final View view,
            final int maxIndex) {
        for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
            if (views.get(i) == view) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * After the transition has started, remove all targets that we added to the transitions
     * so that the transitions are left in a clean state.
    private static void scheduleRemoveTargets(final Transition overalTransition,
            final Transition enterTransition, final ArrayList<View> enteringViews,
            final Transition exitTransition, final ArrayList<View> exitingViews,
            final TransitionSet sharedElementTransition, final ArrayList<View> sharedElementsIn) {
        overalTransition.addListener(new TransitionListenerAdapter() {
            public void onTransitionStart(Transition transition) {
                if (enterTransition != null) {
                    replaceTargets(enterTransition, enteringViews, null);
                if (exitTransition != null) {
                    replaceTargets(exitTransition, exitingViews, null);
                if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
                    replaceTargets(sharedElementTransition, sharedElementsIn, null);

            public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) {

     * This method removes the views from transitions that target ONLY those views and
     * replaces them with the new targets list.
     * The views list should match those added in addTargets and should contain
     * one view that is not in the view hierarchy (state.nonExistentView).
    public static void replaceTargets(Transition transition, ArrayList<View> oldTargets,
            ArrayList<View> newTargets) {
        if (transition instanceof TransitionSet) {
            TransitionSet set = (TransitionSet) transition;
            int numTransitions = set.getTransitionCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < numTransitions; i++) {
                Transition child = set.getTransitionAt(i);
                replaceTargets(child, oldTargets, newTargets);
        } else if (!hasSimpleTarget(transition)) {
            List<View> targets = transition.getTargets();
            if (targets != null && targets.size() == oldTargets.size() &&
                    targets.containsAll(oldTargets)) {
                // We have an exact match. We must have added these earlier in addTargets
                final int targetCount = newTargets == null ? 0 : newTargets.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < targetCount; i++) {
                for (int i = oldTargets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

     * This method adds views as targets to the transition, but only if the transition
     * doesn't already have a target. It is best for views to contain one View object
     * that does not exist in the view hierarchy (state.nonExistentView) so that
     * when they are removed later, a list match will suffice to remove the targets.
     * Otherwise, if you happened to have targeted the exact views for the transition,
     * the replaceTargets call will remove them unexpectedly.
    public static void addTargets(Transition transition, ArrayList<View> views) {
        if (transition == null) {
        if (transition instanceof TransitionSet) {
            TransitionSet set = (TransitionSet) transition;
            int numTransitions = set.getTransitionCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < numTransitions; i++) {
                Transition child = set.getTransitionAt(i);
                addTargets(child, views);
        } else if (!hasSimpleTarget(transition)) {
            List<View> targets = transition.getTargets();
            if (isNullOrEmpty(targets)) {
                // We can just add the target views
                int numViews = views.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < numViews; i++) {

     * Returns true if there are any targets based on ID, transition or type.
    private static boolean hasSimpleTarget(Transition transition) {
        return !isNullOrEmpty(transition.getTargetIds()) ||
                !isNullOrEmpty(transition.getTargetNames()) ||

     * Simple utility to detect if a list is null or has no elements.
    private static boolean isNullOrEmpty(List list) {
        return list == null || list.isEmpty();

    private static ArrayList<View> configureEnteringExitingViews(Transition transition,
            Fragment fragment, ArrayList<View> sharedElements, View nonExistentView) {
        ArrayList<View> viewList = null;
        if (transition != null) {
            viewList = new ArrayList<>();
            View root = fragment.getView();
            if (root != null) {
            if (sharedElements != null) {
            if (!viewList.isEmpty()) {
                addTargets(transition, viewList);
        return viewList;

     * Sets the visibility of all Views in {@code views} to {@code visibility}.
    private static void setViewVisibility(ArrayList<View> views, @View.Visibility int visibility) {
        if (views == null) {
        for (int i = views.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final View view = views.get(i);

     * Merges exit, shared element, and enter transitions so that they act together or
     * sequentially as defined in the fragments.
    private static Transition mergeTransitions(Transition enterTransition,
            Transition exitTransition, Transition sharedElementTransition, Fragment inFragment,
            boolean isPop) {
        boolean overlap = true;
        if (enterTransition != null && exitTransition != null && inFragment != null) {
            overlap = isPop ? inFragment.getAllowReturnTransitionOverlap() :

        // Wrap the transitions. Explicit targets like in enter and exit will cause the
        // views to be targeted regardless of excluded views. If that happens, then the
        // excluded fragments views (hidden fragments) will still be in the transition.

        Transition transition;
        if (overlap) {
            // Regular transition -- do it all together
            TransitionSet transitionSet = new TransitionSet();
            if (enterTransition != null) {
            if (exitTransition != null) {
            if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
            transition = transitionSet;
        } else {
            // First do exit, then enter, but allow shared element transition to happen
            // during both.
            Transition staggered = null;
            if (exitTransition != null && enterTransition != null) {
                staggered = new TransitionSet()
            } else if (exitTransition != null) {
                staggered = exitTransition;
            } else if (enterTransition != null) {
                staggered = enterTransition;
            if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
                TransitionSet together = new TransitionSet();
                if (staggered != null) {
                transition = together;
            } else {
                transition = staggered;
        return transition;

     * Finds the first removed fragment and last added fragments when going forward.
     * If none of the fragments have transitions, then both lists will be empty.
     * @param transitioningFragments Keyed on the container ID, the first fragments to be removed,
     *                               and last fragments to be added. This will be modified by
     *                               this method.
    public static void calculateFragments(BackStackRecord transaction,
            SparseArray<FragmentContainerTransition> transitioningFragments,
            boolean isReordered) {
        final int numOps = transaction.mOps.size();
        for (int opNum = 0; opNum < numOps; opNum++) {
            final BackStackRecord.Op op = transaction.mOps.get(opNum);
            addToFirstInLastOut(transaction, op, transitioningFragments, false, isReordered);

     * Finds the first removed fragment and last added fragments when popping the back stack.
     * If none of the fragments have transitions, then both lists will be empty.
     * @param transitioningFragments Keyed on the container ID, the first fragments to be removed,
     *                               and last fragments to be added. This will be modified by
     *                               this method.
    public static void calculatePopFragments(BackStackRecord transaction,
            SparseArray<FragmentContainerTransition> transitioningFragments, boolean isReordered) {
        if (!transaction.mManager.mContainer.onHasView()) {
            return; // nothing to see, so no transitions
        final int numOps = transaction.mOps.size();
        for (int opNum = numOps - 1; opNum >= 0; opNum--) {
            final BackStackRecord.Op op = transaction.mOps.get(opNum);
            addToFirstInLastOut(transaction, op, transitioningFragments, true, isReordered);

     * Examines the {@code command} and may set the first out or last in fragment for the fragment's
     * container.
     * @param transaction The executing transaction
     * @param op The operation being run.
     * @param transitioningFragments A structure holding the first in and last out fragments
     *                               for each fragment container.
     * @param isPop Is the operation a pop?
     * @param isReorderedTransaction True if the operations have been partially executed and the
     *                               added fragments have Views in the hierarchy or false if the
     *                               operations haven't been executed yet.
    private static void addToFirstInLastOut(BackStackRecord transaction, BackStackRecord.Op op,
            SparseArray<FragmentContainerTransition> transitioningFragments, boolean isPop,
            boolean isReorderedTransaction) {
        final Fragment fragment = op.fragment;
        if (fragment == null) {
            return; // no fragment, no transition
        final int containerId = fragment.mContainerId;
        if (containerId == 0) {
            return; // no container, no transition
        final int command = isPop ? INVERSE_OPS[op.cmd] : op.cmd;
        boolean setLastIn = false;
        boolean wasRemoved = false;
        boolean setFirstOut = false;
        boolean wasAdded = false;
        switch (command) {
            case BackStackRecord.OP_SHOW:
                if (isReorderedTransaction) {
                    setLastIn = fragment.mHiddenChanged && !fragment.mHidden &&
                } else {
                    setLastIn = fragment.mHidden;
                wasAdded = true;
            case BackStackRecord.OP_ADD:
            case BackStackRecord.OP_ATTACH:
                if (isReorderedTransaction) {
                    setLastIn = fragment.mIsNewlyAdded;
                } else {
                    setLastIn = !fragment.mAdded && !fragment.mHidden;
                wasAdded = true;
            case BackStackRecord.OP_HIDE:
                if (isReorderedTransaction) {
                    setFirstOut = fragment.mHiddenChanged && fragment.mAdded &&
                } else {
                    setFirstOut = fragment.mAdded && !fragment.mHidden;
                wasRemoved = true;
            case BackStackRecord.OP_REMOVE:
            case BackStackRecord.OP_DETACH:
                if (isReorderedTransaction) {
                    setFirstOut = !fragment.mAdded && fragment.mView != null
                            && fragment.mView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE
                            && fragment.mView.getTransitionAlpha() > 0;
                } else {
                    setFirstOut = fragment.mAdded && !fragment.mHidden;
                wasRemoved = true;
        FragmentContainerTransition containerTransition = transitioningFragments.get(containerId);
        if (setLastIn) {
            containerTransition =
                    ensureContainer(containerTransition, transitioningFragments, containerId);
            containerTransition.lastIn = fragment;
            containerTransition.lastInIsPop = isPop;
            containerTransition.lastInTransaction = transaction;
        if (!isReorderedTransaction && wasAdded) {
            if (containerTransition != null && containerTransition.firstOut == fragment) {
                containerTransition.firstOut = null;

             * Ensure that fragments that are entering are at least at the CREATED state
             * so that they may load Transitions using TransitionInflater.
            FragmentManagerImpl manager = transaction.mManager;
            if (fragment.mState < Fragment.CREATED && manager.mCurState >= Fragment.CREATED &&
                    manager.mHost.getContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion >=
                            Build.VERSION_CODES.N && !transaction.mReorderingAllowed) {
                manager.moveToState(fragment, Fragment.CREATED, 0, 0, false);
        if (setFirstOut && (containerTransition == null || containerTransition.firstOut == null)) {
            containerTransition =
                    ensureContainer(containerTransition, transitioningFragments, containerId);
            containerTransition.firstOut = fragment;
            containerTransition.firstOutIsPop = isPop;
            containerTransition.firstOutTransaction = transaction;

        if (!isReorderedTransaction && wasRemoved &&
                (containerTransition != null && containerTransition.lastIn == fragment)) {
            containerTransition.lastIn = null;

     * Ensures that a FragmentContainerTransition has been added to the SparseArray. If so,
     * it returns the existing one. If not, one is created and added to the SparseArray and
     * returned.
    private static FragmentContainerTransition ensureContainer(
            FragmentContainerTransition containerTransition,
            SparseArray<FragmentContainerTransition> transitioningFragments, int containerId) {
        if (containerTransition == null) {
            containerTransition = new FragmentContainerTransition();
            transitioningFragments.put(containerId, containerTransition);
        return containerTransition;

     * Tracks the last fragment added and first fragment removed for fragment transitions.
     * This also tracks which fragments are changed by push or pop transactions.
    public static class FragmentContainerTransition {
         * The last fragment added/attached/shown in its container
        public Fragment lastIn;

         * true when lastIn was added during a pop transaction or false if added with a push
        public boolean lastInIsPop;

         * The transaction that included the last in fragment
        public BackStackRecord lastInTransaction;

         * The first fragment with a View that was removed/detached/hidden in its container.
        public Fragment firstOut;

         * true when firstOut was removed during a pop transaction or false otherwise
        public boolean firstOutIsPop;

         * The transaction that included the first out fragment
        public BackStackRecord firstOutTransaction;